The pause is a part of the walk.

Making a mistake is also an achievement.

Of two evils, choose the more interesting.

Sometimes doing nothing is doing something.

Sometimes a step forward needs a step back.

Leave for tomorrow what you can't do today.

Nothing deflates so fast as a punctured reputation.

Life is a one-way street and you're not coming back.

We have a great regard for old age when it is bottled.

If you think you know it all, you are missing something.

Minds, like parachutes, only function when they are open.

Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open.

Don't question your wife's judgment; look who she married.

Judge not a man by his clothes, but by his wife's clothes.

Ability without enthusiasm is like a rifle without a bullet.

The quality of the article should be its greatest achievement.

There is no traffic congestion on the straight and narrow path.

Fish stimulates the brain, but fishing stimulates the imagination.

A philosopher is a man who can look at an empty glass with a smile.

No wife can endure a gambling husband-unless he is a steady winner.

A teetotaller is one who suffers from thirst instead of enjoying it.

Never invest in a going concern until you know which way it is going.

The road to success is filled with women pushing their husbands along.

Confessions may be good for the soul but they are bad for the reputation.

The mind is like a parachute. In order to function, it first has to open.

Respectability is the state of never being caught doing anything which gives you pleasure.

The only thing that hurts more than paying an income tax is not having to pay an income tax.

A husband should tell his wife everything that he is sure she will find out, and before anyone else does.

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