Women should have absolute access to capital.

Nobody respects women more than Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton is very strong and very smart.

I am pro-life. I hate the concept of abortion.

Nobody has ever had crowds like Trump has had.

He [John McCain] hit me - he`s not a war hero.

Everybody's saying I should run for president.

Our culture has gotten too mean and too rough.

We will save our sovereign rights as a nation.

Putin has outsmarted Hillary Clinton in Syria.

Honestly, Hillary Clinton should be locked up.

It just seems terrorists have an open blanket.

Seth Meyers is highly overrated as a comedian.

You have to think anyway, so why not think big?

Our country is being run by incompetent people.

I'm a big fan of NATO. But they have to pay up.

Let's protect our social security and Medicare.

When you have momentum going, play the momentum

Hillary Clinton ought to be ashamed of herself.

I pay hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes.

This is painful and it will be for a long time.

I've had great success in everything I've done.

I think temperament is my single greatest asset.

I have a winning temperament. I know how to win.

The first thing the secretary types is the boss.

Don't forget our vets. They have been forgotten.

I'm a big believer in the whole world of sports.

We have to have the strongest military by far...

The middle class in America has been devastated.

The president can't have a conflict of interest.

I think Aleppo is a disaster, humanitarian-wise.

The Affordable Care Act is no longer affordable.

Set the bar high - do the best you possibly can.

One thing I'd do is get rid of carried interest.

Mexico's making a fortune off the United States.

I always want to think of myself as an underdog.

If you're going to be thinking anyway, think big!

If you hang around with losers you become a loser

All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad.

I don't mind scrutiny. What I don't like is lies.

I promise you, I will never enter a bicycle race.

There can be no prosperity without law and order.

I think running for president causes more stress.

America is a great country. This is a great land.

We have to bring back respect to law enforcement.

Nobody is going to move. Here is the story folks.

I've been very successful at negotiating debates.

We're gonna get away from political correctness .

I would never take any of my cards off the table.

I'm so focused on doing a great job as President.

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