I like Jim Kelly.

I play with leverage.

I do love the Eagles' fans.

I was a man by middle school.

My family is everything to me.

It feels good to be appreciated.

I'm going to retire as an Eagle.

The pro game is about confidence.

I try and do things the right way.

Dallas is always a fun place to play.

I got rushing titles. I got Pro Bowls.

Quarterback is such an important role.

I can be mean. Not dirty. But very mean.

I can't let distractions get in the way.

Love has no value in the absence of truth.

All my life has been about proving myself.

I actually had the chance to meet Jay-Z once.

Most of us have to think worst-case scenario.

I'm looking to show people I'm a running back.

If you ask me, yes, I want the ball every play.

Honestly, my number-one motivation is my family.

Buffalo has a great fan base, they go crazy man.

If you look on tape, as a back, I do everything.

I don't have to talk. My record speaks for itself.

I never got into the gangs. Gangs are for followers.

My way has always worked. My way is what got me here.

Every day is an opportunity disguised as a challenge.

I want to be the guy that leads the team to victories.

I'm getting ready to change a lot of opinions about me.

Trust me-the day I'm not into football, I'll walk away.

Your destiny is forged in the fires of your determination

On offense, you can fumble and they still talk about you.

Listen, anybody that knows me knows I'm not disrespectful.

I have a need to do something and know I can be successful.

Just one thing has to change, and that's me staying healthy.

Now is that last time you'll see today, so make it memorable.

The more confidence you have, the more swagger you play with.

I'm not being conceited or anything, but we have a great team.

If it's third-and-one, then I'm going in, no ifs or buts about.

I vow to you I am as clean as a Cherub. Would you like a taste?

I'm not bitter at all. I think my memories in Denver are great.

On a personal level, I don't have many individual achievements.

Any time you go out there and compete, you want to do your best.

I think you play this game to be remembered, to win championships.

I like Kobe, I like the way he approaches the game. He's a warrior.

I never regret nothing I say. Never. Nothing I do. Never regret it.

Half the guys drafted in front of me are working at Target right now.

I can get through anything, any obstacle, after what I've been through.

You know, that's what every player strives to do is have a great career.

I'll do anything for kids but I don't sign anything for grownups anymore.

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