Draw what you see.

I'm a visual person.

I don't wear plaid shirts.

Andy Warhol defined Pop Art.

Film and art are close together.

I don't know what 'loyal' means.

The sun never sets on my gallery.

Everything happens through relationships.

I've been told I'm a good midcareer manager.

I was always very focused on how people dressed.

Dennis Hopper is one of the great American lives.

Effective fund-raising is based on relationships.

Art dealing is when you're doing it as a business.

My gallery represents a lot of figurative artists.

Art is a tool by which society extends its perception.

San Francisco has always been a great city for art collectors.

I think very often the price paid for a work is the trophy itself.

The more people who look at great art, the better for our culture.

I play hard. So the critical stuff doesn't surprise me or bother me.

The real value of art is not always revealed by the price set upon it.

Part of my agenda has been to support art that engages life with people.

When skateboarding and punk merged, it really became a large teen subculture.

Many of the museum directors who make an impact personally curate exhibitions.

I don't believe in selling art by transparencies. Art is a firsthand experience.

I've always been in love with the movies. They're the dreams of the 20th Century.

Graffiti doesn't exist unless someone got a photo, because it's gone immediately.

Honestly, I grew up in pretty modest circumstances. We were a middle-class family.

The way you present your work has a lot to do with how people receive and regard it.

It's possible to have more than one interest. I've been a painter and did summer stock.

Professionally, what comes first is representing the artist.Whether they're alive or dead.

We have been involved in racing for so long, it is astonishing we were not born with hooves.

Elvis Presley's music never meant anything to me. Mambo was the music I loved - it spoke to me.

I didn't know how to run a business. I was a terrible gallerist, the worst in history, possibly.

When a great artist gets my attention, I pursue it. If I don't, someone else will, you know what I'm saying?

We use the term pop in the art world, as in Pop Art, but we forget that its root is popular - popular culture.

I never really took a proper art class in college. I just started reading art magazines and going to galleries.

I've never been on a board, but I just went on the board for Jazz at Lincoln Center. I'm very happy about that.

You get to a point where you really can't manage more artists, because representing artists takes a lot of time.

After pop art, graffiti is probably the biggest art movement in recent history to have such an impact on culture.

I don't watch a lot of football for fun. I've tried, but I'm always looking to see if the left tackle is holding.

Working with younger artists kind of tests your judgment. You're not always right, but when you are, it's exciting.

Art, film, fashion, music are all going on and interacting simultaneously. And L.A. is very receptive to that fusion.

The art market is global now, and theres becoming more of an international consensus about what constitutes good art.

Fairs are beneath the dignity of art. To stand there in a booth and hawk your wares - it is just not how you sell art.

The art market is global now, and there's becoming more of an international consensus about what constitutes good art.

Some people buy art because they're confident that it'll be a good store value, and this is kind of a recent phenomenon.

What I hope is I'll eventually be seen as an actual individual, not as some abstraction - an art dealer running a museum.

One of the interesting things about skateboarding and graffiti is that skateboarding exists in the documentation of an act.

To be in Brazil and see the work of Os Gêmeos or to be in England and see what Banksy is doing is pretty fascinating to me.

The most wonderful time to be in the art world was in the sixties, because it wasn't a business - there was no business of doing art.

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