Go have fun and make money

Humor is all about timing.

We don't like offending anyone.

Never, ever, work for bad people

The first rule of business is FUN

There is good business doing good.

Only mediocre ideas can be tested.

A cautious creative is an oxymoron.

We are born with magic inside of us

Actions speak louder than meetings.

I found my own way of doing things.

Caring makes you want to work harder.

In the particular lies the universal.

Everything a brand does is advertising.

Creativity can solve almost any problem.

I'm proud to say that I'm in advertising.

Good advertising is a dialog with people.

Make it smart. Make it beautiful. Have fun.

An ad should be an appetizer, not a buffet.

I'm not an executive. I'm a creative person.

There's no such thing as a cautious creative.

Creative people are 50% ego and 50% insecurity.

Advertising can be a very frustrating business.

We strive to do stuff that connects with people.

If your work appeals to everyone, it moves no one

As a typical creative, I am all ego and insecurity!

Consumers never complain about ads being too smart.

I am the most competitive person you will ever meet.

No one can stand in the way of your personal greatness

Creativity has got to have some edge to it, doesn't it?

I strive every day to do things that make a difference.

Online is amazing, but it, in itself, is not a solution.

I like rules. Without them, we don't know what to break.

Design has become the cover for unnecessary consumption.

The heart knows today what the mind will learn tomorrow.

When you create advertising, always start with the words.

Nothing great can come of more than three people in a room.

The whole area of creativity is constipated and frightened.

If you'd put it in a Powerpoint deck don't put it in your ad

We are all born creative. We just got it educated out of us.

I don't want to spread myself so thin that I achieve nothing.

Ultimately, if you are doing great work, the money will come.

Authors do not choose a story to write, the story chooses us.

Distraction is the most corrosive disease of the 20th century.

If you work with convictions, people have got to listen to you.

Shocking is easy. Shockingly brilliant, a bit more challenging.

I really care about leaving a trail of goodness wherever we can.

I haven't lost that quest and that thirst to do something great.

When you open an Apple product it's like a religious experience.

If people know they're being sold to, you can celebrate the sell.

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