Never, ever, work for bad people

Only mediocre ideas can be tested.

A cautious creative is an oxymoron.

Creativity can solve almost any problem.

There's no such thing as a cautious creative.

When you create advertising, always start with the words.

The whole area of creativity is constipated and frightened.

Nothing great can come of more than three people in a room.

If you work with convictions, people have got to listen to you.

I look in the mirror, and I work with the brightest person I know.

Onwards and upwards, and never give your failures a second thought.

Never listen to music when you're trying go come up with a Big Idea.

Great advertising, in and of itself, becomes a benefit of the product.

If you think people are dumb, you'll spend a lifetime doing dumb work.

The accurate measure of a human being is what he or she actually gets done.

The producers of 'Mad Men,' you know, think I hate their show, which is true.

I've done truth to power all my life. It's got me into trouble, but who cares?

The more creative you are the more trouble you're in. You have to be courageous!

A truly great magazine cover surprises, even shocks, and connects in a nano-second.

I may have destroyed world culture, but MTV wouldn't exist today if it wasn't for me.

What Apple did for technology is brilliant, but they didn't do nothin' for our economy.

You can be cautious or you can be creative, but there’s no such thing as a Cautious Creative.

Only with absolute fearlessness can we slay the dragons of mediocrity that invade our gardens.

Nothing comes from nothing. You must continuously feed the inner beast that sparks and inspires.

From the time I was three or four years old, I drew all the time. Drew all the time, every second.

To create great work, here's how you must spend your time: 1% Inspiration 9% Perspiration 90% Justification

Advertising is poison gas. It should bring tears to your eyes, unhinge your nervous system and knock you out.

I am in the poison gas business. Advertising should make you choke, make your eyes water, make you feel sick.

It's almost as if creativity is dead. The visual power of advertising was everywhere - now it's basically gone.

The computer has played a role in destroying creativity with the Photoshop. Everybody thinks they're a designer.

I don't design. I get what I think is a big idea, and I put the idea down. I'm not a designer. I'm a communicator.

Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything.

In professional work - certainly in the arts and graphics - 99% of people have zero courage. They blow with the wind.

The joy of the creative process, minute by minute, hour after hour, day by day, is the sublime path to true happiness.

When you think of a brand, you should immediately understand it from the advertising attitude, from the words and visuals.

Museums are custodians of epiphanies, and these epiphanies enter the central nervous system and deep recesses of the mind.

Nothing great can come of more than three people in a room. If you had 10 incredibly bright people, nothing would come out of it.

The business world worships mediocrity. Officially we revere free enterprise, initiative and individuality. Unofficially we fear it.

My concern has always been with creating images that catch people's eyes, penetrate their minds, warm their hearts and cause them to act.

What I taught myself was that in any problem you get, you've got to come up with an innovative, brilliant, kind of unusual, stunning solution.

Truly great images make all the other millions of images you look at unimportant. You gotta look at an image and understand it in a nanosecond.

Follow your bliss. That which you love you must spend your life doing, as passionately and as perfectly as your heart, mind and instincts allow.

If a man does not work passionately - even furiously - at being the best in the world at what he does, he fails his talent, his destiny, and his God.

Sometimes all the 'marketing' insight in the world can't move a client, but the creation of a truly great brand name can become a billion-dollar idea!

You can't test great advertising. You can only test the mediocre. Not that I don't care about demographics. You have to understand who you're going after.

Everybody is so busy talking about 'Twittering' and talking about the new technologies and talking about this and that, but they don't talk about creativity.

In any creative industry, the fact that others are moving in a certain direction is always proof positive, at least to me, that a new direction is the only direction.

If somebody says to you, 'MTV,' you think of Mick Jagger on a phone screaming at that phone: 'I want my MTV.' That, to me, was always the epitome of great advertising.

Most people work at keeping their job, rather than doing a good job. If you're the former, you're leading a meaningless life. If you're the latter, keep up the good work.

Advertising, an art, is constantly besieged and compromised by logicians and technocrats, the scientists of our profession who wildly miss the main point about everything we do.

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