I didn't know I had a sense of limitation until I got into the greater world.

To define each of us by our race is nothing short of a denial of our humanity.

It's important to every American that the law protect his or her basic liberty

I do think there is a value in the services of judges for long periods of time.

It's important to every American that the law protect his or her basic liberty.

Democracy is something that you must learn each generation. It has to be taught.

The Constitution does not trust judges to make determinations of criminal guilt.

It's not up to the courts to invent new minorities that get special protections.

My politics would be, must be, have to be, completely separate from my judgment.

When you marry young, you run the risk that you'll grow in different directions.

Depriving a parent of parental status is as devastating as a criminal conviction.

I think that Congress' ability to reason is fully equal to that of the judiciary.

Ultimately, the question of campaign contributions will be decided by the public.

I think that Congress's ability to reason is fully equal to that of the judiciary.

I firmly believe in the rule of law as the foundation for all of our basic rights.

The court makes an amazing amount of decisions that ought to be made by the people.

I have been a judge for 15 years and I've made up my own mind during all that time.

The Constitution doesn't belong to a bunch of judges and lawyers. It belongs to you.

And I thank God I believe in God, or I would probably be enormously angry right now.

I tend to really be partial to Ayn Rand, and to The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.

The Second Amendment is outdated in the sense that its function has become obsolete.

I really concentrate on what's on my plate at the moment and do the very best I can.

I would not look to the U.S. Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in 2012.

I do a variety of weight-lifting, elliptical glider, stretching exercises, push-ups.

Success is its own reward, but failure is a great teacher too, and not to be feared.

I have never, ever focused on the negative of things. I always look at the positive.

I have to admit that I'm one of those people that thinks the dishwasher is a miracle.

The state controlling a woman would mean denying her full autonomy and full equality.

So that's the dissenter's hope: that they are writing not for today but for tomorrow.

If you're going to change things, you have to be with the people who hold the levers.

I got a label because I was Hispanic and a woman and [therefore] I had to be liberal.

No one questions the validity, the urgency, the essentiality of the Voting Rights Act.

I was sympathetic to virtually all groups that wanted to get away from the old system.

The Government may not suppress lawful speech as the means to suppress unlawful speech.

We hold that same sex couples may exercise the fundamental right to marry in all states.

Interior decorating is a rock-hard science compared to psychology practiced by amateurs.

I hear people say it affected your self-esteem to be segregated. It never affected mine.

It's great to be in the position of asking questions and not having to answer questions.

I am a New Yorker, and 7:00 A.M. is a civilized hour to finish the day, not to start it.

Sometimes, even if there was no useful advice to give, I saw that listening still helped.

I don't prejudge issues. I come to every case with an open mind. Every case is new to me.

Adult women are able to make decisions about their own lives' course no less than men are.

I am willing to bet that there are some Puerto Ricans who don’t know about [their status].

A search is a search, even if it happens to disclose nothing but the bottom of a turntable.

My mother told me to be a lady. And for her, that meant be your own person, be independent.

Don't be shy about making a teacher of any willing party who knows what he or she is doing.

A career is something that you train for and prepare for and plan on doing for a long time.

To me, lawyering is the height of service - and being involved in this profession is a gift.

The only people who have quick answers don't have the responsibility of making the decisions.

Much of the uncertainty of law is not an unfortunate accident: it is of immense social value.

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