At one-sixth gravity in that suit, you have to move in a different way.

Heavy lifting doesn't need to be heavy spending if we do the job right.

When President Kennedy took office, I was in the midst of my education.

Space travel for everyone is the next frontier in the human experience.

I was elated, ecstatic and extremely surprised that we were successful.

It never hurts to have friends around, so that's why you'd form a crew.

There's no accepted global policy on what to do about asteroid impacts.

Usually, if you stop for tea, someone will feel the desire to join you.

My Sunday mornings are spent in a recovery meeting in Pacific Palisades.

Don`t let life randomly kick you into the adult you don`t want to become

I wanted to apply to the astronaut program after the Challenger accident

God walking on the earth is more important than man walking on the moon.

I am, and ever will be, a white-socks, pocket-protector, nerdy engineer.

I am, and ever will be, a white socks, pocket protector, nerdy engineer.

Space is absolutely a 3-D world in comparison to our 2-D world on Earth.

I remember; I was 15 years old when Neil Armstrong put feet in the moon.

I do not believe that anyone from outer space has ever visited the Earth.

I've put a lot of my life into making it possible to fly in space at all.

Boys like either dinosaurs or airplanes. I was very much an airplane boy.

Shoot for the stars but if you happen to miss shoot for the moon instead.

At the core of the risk-free society is a self-indulgent failure of nerve.

Who put their foot in the Missouri River first: Lewis or Clark? Who cares!

You can't change the bricks, and together, you still have to build a wall.

I'm looking forward to coming back, back to Earth, the landing, the views.

The nature of the shuttle was, we couldn't put a crew escape system in it.

But I found that being an artist and doing accurate work is very difficult.

It's fun to work the robotic arm in part because it's really a team effort.

Err Houston, we've had a problem. [pause] We've had a main B bus undervolt.

This planet below you is our campsite, and you know of no other campground.

Rendezvous day is the third day of our mission, and that's a big day for us.

The scenery was very beautiful. But I did not see The Great Wall [of China].

The universe is the way it is. It's not going to be changed by supplications.

In space, you don't get that much noise. Noise doesn't propagate in a vacuum.

We could have human intelligence in orbit around Mars, building things there.

I never did get hit, and neither did any of the leaders that I flew wing for.

I was born a year after Lindbergh made his historic trip across the Atlantic.

Performing tai chi in space - it is comfortable; we got more outer space chi.

Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand.

This vehicle is performing like a champ. I've got a super spaceship under me.

You are not going to change the minds of people who are looking for attention.

There's no guarantee that the United States will be around 200 years from now.

Not everyone will understand this need for America to lead the world in space.

Now you're coming back to Earth, and things are getting more and more dynamic.

And, I wouldn't consider myself to be a natural pilot; I've had to work at it.

I consider myself to be very fortunate in my career, my timing has worked out.

In the Air Force, you get some weird orders, but you obey them no matter what.

If you don't know who you are, a university is an expensive place to find out.

Figure out how to build a brand and stick by it so people know what to expect.

Because of his military service, Dad was buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

You can never tell when a commercial space venture will suddenly become viable.

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