I've achieved everything I've wanted to achieve, so I'm not scared of failure. I never gave up, however bad the injuries got.

Because my profession is the body, it is a relaxation for me to get out of physicality and concentrate on more mental things.

I wanted to inspire every little girl who wants to be a dancer to fire their imagination about the joys of being on the stage.

I wore myself out physically and mentally over my career, and I couldn't be there for my daughters in ways I should have been.

I think it was important that I learned to love to dance eventually for its own sake, as opposed to wanting to be a ballerina.

Although one may fail to find happiness in theatrical life, one never wishes to give it up after having once tasted its fruits.

My main vice is Herta frankfurters - it's amazing that they stay fresh for ages. They're not very healthy, but they are my treat.

There are always younger and better dancers fighting to get your place. You get worn down by the fight to try to stay at the top.

the first night is the worst possible time to make a hard and fast criticism: the baby never looks its best on the day it is born.

A teacher's not going to bother being tough on you for no reason; it's when they're not paying you attention that you should worry.

Scots are Jocks,WelshmenTaffies, and Irishmen Paddies or Micks but?it is noticeable there is no similar designation for the English.

It's not possible to be perfect - you can always do something better. I'm never proud of what I've done. Sometimes, I'm not ashamed.

Success depends in a very large measure upon individual initiative and exertion, and cannot be achieved except by a dint of hard work.

The best thing is to lie in a warm Epsom salts bath for 15 minutes and then go straight to bed. You will sleep really well afterwards.

I really feel sorry for new generation. It's hard to find backbone. I never had crisis of identity. But I think many Americans have it.

What exactly is success? For me it is to be found not in applause, but in the satisfaction of feeling that one is realizing one's ideal.

If you miss one class, you know it; if you miss two classes, your teacher knows it, and if you miss three classes, the audience knows it

I'm not a big cook at all, but anything easy and quick, like pasta, I'm up to. My husband cooks for me because he finds cooking relaxing.

I've got that personality where I've always been determined. As a dancer, I was constantly improving and perfecting. I guess it's innate.

Sometimes I regret that I don't have a bit more fun with money. I should have spoilt myself a bit more. Life isn't going to last for ever.

I need help to ensure I grow old gracefully! So now I always apply moisturiser and foundation with an SPF, to protect my skin from the sun.

I prepare myself very intensely. I am at the theatre four hours before the performance. It allows for complete concentration and preparation.

People tend to look at dancers like we are these little jewels, little cardboard cut outs, and yet we have blood and guts and go through Hell.

Over the years, I've had two ankle operations, torn my hamstring, had my hip resurfaced, and snapped the anterior cruciate ligament in my knee.

... when I left the stage door and sought my orientation among real people I was in a wilderness of unpredictables in an unchoreographed world.

My husband is Australian, and my family is scattered around the U.K. and France mostly, but we try to get a big group together for the holidays.

I hate throwing personal things away, especially my cards. As I know I won't be dancing for ever, these are the things that I will look back on.

I like dramatic ballets, particularly if they're ballets in which I have a chance to go from one extreme of style or characterization to another.

For every dancer, no matter how amazing your career, there's more to life than ballet. Being adored by your audience, it's only part of the story.

I don't see anything negative about dance. It is so good for you, mentally and physically, and so for me to promote it is the easiest thing to do.

For me, in my life, dyslexia has been a little bit of a blessing. It helped me find my strength and directed me towards what I really wanted to do.

It is the body, subject to the harmony of the steps it is executing, which speaks. And it speaks to the heart in as direct a language as does music.

Whenever I have had a sudden urge to quit dancing, I just remember that moment I had when I was young and remember that dancing is what I want to do.

Diets don't come into it. You need variety and to have a good source of greens, protein, and nutrition. It is about health rather than looking right.

Ballet is not just movement, not simply abstract. It's something beautiful. Sometimes there's this feeling in the movement that makes me want to cry.

Traveling carries with it the curse of being at home everywhere and yet nowhere, for wherever one is some part of oneself remains on another continent.

Above all, I wanted to be appreciated as a prima ballerina who happened to be a Native American, never as someone who was an American Indian ballerina.

The nature of my compulsion was such that I danced in my sleep. The entire household was sometimes awakened by loud thumping sounds coming from my room.

The particular ballet was not so important as the fact that I was physically healthy, and capable of getting out there and dancing as often as possible.

A dancer should learn from all the arts. Go to museums and look at the paintings. See how they balance things. Everything you do in the arts enriches you.

This new form of dialogue that is bringing us to the art to which I have dedicated my life, is rooted in the deepest and most beautiful part of being human.

Life forms illogical patterns. It is haphazard and full of beauties which I try to catch as they fly by, for who knows whether any of them will ever return?

I did ballet from the age of five, but what I loved was my gymnastics. I kept the ballet going because of the gymnastics, then found I was going to be too tall.

If I start something, I have to finish it. I know that's annoying - it drives my husband mad - but even if something's not going my way, I have to see it through.

I didn't worry too much about staying in shape once I'd stopped dancing. You get to the point where you just burn out and have to give your body a chance to heal.

Being a full-time mother is one of the biggest jobs in the world; it's like another career for me. I love every moment of it - even the challenge of making cupcakes.

I was born to be a ballerina - my physique, my spirit, my feeling for music. What I am can only be expressed in dance. I am an erotic woman and that's what dance is.

The steps must be second nature to me, so that the music seems to be drawing the steps out of me and I don't look as if I'm struggling to fit the steps to the music.

The expression should come from within oneself, conveying the spiritual - something between earth and heaven. And if one runs, one should not seem to touch the ground.

I had two sisters, and we would love to get dressed up and pretend that we were chic, sophisticated ladies. And I think that was a great sort of preparation, in a way.

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