I hate exercise when it's a regime, but I love a bit of dance, just moving the whole body.

Genius is another word for magic, and the whole point of magic is that it is inexplicable.

Even after having children, after five months I was dancing again, which was kind of crazy.

On Boxing Day, we always go for a walk in our wellies with the dogs, no matter where we are.

I danced so intensely, I learned the hard way that sometimes you can push your body too far.

Life offstage has sometimes been a wilderness of unpredictables in an unchoreographed world.

I can't imagine leaving the theatre altogether. My dressing room has become a home from home.

Since finishing my professional dancing career, I've been conscious of not letting myself go.

The hardest thing about 'Strictly' is having to sit still for so long; it just about kills me.

In the dance world, it has to be in your genetic make-up - your body has to suit the training.

It’s hard to find backbone.I never had crisis of identity. But I think many Americans have it.

To strive tirelessly and at all times to reach one's goal - therein lies the secret of success.

I know some people aspire to a ballerina's body, but I looked forward to feeling more feminine.

Dancing was something to be taken very seriously when engaged in and otherwise put out of mind.

There is pain and sacrifice in everyone's world. That's why, when I was dancing, I had no pain.

In saying my prayers, I discovered the voice of an innermost self, the raw nerve of my identity.

Many people thought I would never succeed, because I am so Russian. So Russian, hundred percent.

What I am looking for is a masterpiece. I don't want to waste my time. I am tired of experiments.

Once I started dancing, I was not the spoiled brat or the rebellious child that I was as a child.

When you get on stage, you can be anything. You are removed from reality in a way, the real world.

Ballet is quite unnatural on the joints. My body is just worn. My joints are 10 years older than me.

I didn't have any doubts about my choice of career, but I had constant doubts about my ability, yes.

And I just thought, this is what I want to be. And I knew that dancing would be my chosen profession.

I never imagined I'd be a presenter on television, but I'm happy to put myself out of my comfort zone.

It is useless to dabble in beauty. One must be utterly devoted to beauty, with every nerve of the body.

Looking after myself is something I probably have to be much more conscious of than the average person.

But what was my motivation was music, and the fact that I love to move around. I'm always moving around.

I used to love to play dress-up, where you get your mother's or your grandmother's dresses and high heels.

When I coach dancers, I always like to get on the dance floor with them or describe something by showing them.

We always want what we don't have, and I'd like a long, sophisticated nose rather than a short, turned-up one.

A true artist should have no secrets. On the stage, you must be able to transmit every emotion to the spectator.

When I started on 'Strictly,' I was terrified. Live television seemed like the most daunting thing in the world.

I am not a big vitamin-taker. I have vitamin C during the winter, but eating lots of fruit and veg does the trick.

It's very easy to become selfish and narrow-minded and see ballet as the only thing in life, but there's lots more.

My mum sent me to ballet from the age of five, not because I was that into it but because I had really knock knees.

Ballet is not just my profession, it is my life ... It is horrible for me to think that one day it will all finish.

Jumping for joy' is a very basic human reaction, and a child skipping down the street is simply an untrained dancer.

We only open a couple of presents on Christmas morning; we're all about the stockings - we even get them for the dogs!

I had once been told my ability to read would only reach that of a ten-year-old, but I was determined to achieve more.

You've got to break through this idea of being light as a ballerina. The heavier you'll feel, the lighter you'll look.

generally speaking, we are all happier when we are still striving for achievement than when the prize is in our hands.

People tell me I'm dancing better than ever. I don't know what happened, but I have new enthusiasm and more endurance.

The world of dance is a charmed place. Some people like to inhabit it, others to behold it; either way it is rewarding.

I've come to realise that being on 'Strictly' is like being in another theatre company and performing a live production.

Fortunately for children, the uncertainties of the present always give way to the enchanted possibilities of the future.

A ballerina takes steps given to her and makes them her own. Each individual brings something different to the same role.

I always knew I was a bit different from my friends, had too much energy, and suddenly I could get it all out with ballet.

I do a Zumba class at least twice a week, which entertains me and keeps me fit, and I have two dogs that I walk regularly.

When I had kids, I had to work out how to keep my stamina up. I learned the power of protein and eating a variety of foods.

I dye my hair, and I use teeth whitening strips. Unless I burnt myself or damaged my skin, I wouldn't have cosmetic surgery.

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