Slow and steady wins the race.

I started singing because I come from Wales

I started singing because I come from Wales.

Judge of a jest when you have done laughing.

When it gets difficult is often right before you succeed.

Actually, Ive been a fanatical health nut for five years.

Slow and steady wins the race. 'The hare and the tortoise

Actually, I've been a fanatical health nut for five years.

Nonsense and noise will oft prevail, When honor and affection fail.

This is my story, this is my song, praising my Saviour all the day long.

The only proper way to eliminate bad habits is to replace them with good ones.

As soon as you start publishing, you are the star and so people see you that way.

Who teach the mind its proper face to scan, And hold the faithful mirror up to man.

I don't really care who gets their inspiration from where, it's the end results that count.

We are facing a generation of young singers who are much more diminutive in their approach to singing.

Happy is the person who cherishes the precious lessons of the past and lives vigorously in the present.

I enjoy all aspects of singing and I'm luckily given the choice to be part of different styles of music.

The motivation part is all essential in keeping my voice, but there are the human factors of discipline.

I've been amazed by the numbers that have come out to see the torch relay, so being a part of it is lovely.

For three years, the 'Meistersinger' score was a ball and chain to me. It went with me to every city and concert hall.

It is not enough merely to memorize and spout vocal axioms good singing is infinitely more than much talk and head-knowledge.

I think there's two ways to make money online. One way is by selling other people's stuff, the other way is by selling your stuff.

When I watch the Olympics I become such an emotional wreck. I've always loved the Olympics, be it the summer or the winter Olympics.

You reach your audience at the moment when you really have something to say - that is, when you're not just delivering a performance.

I think everyone should sell other people's stuff and their own stuff. I think everyone, almost everyone should mix those two business models.

I think every singer should be able to jump in for a singer who has been sick, for instance, and learn an opera in two days. I know people who can do it.

Good acting is about being as natural and calm as possible. These days producers have such definite ideas that you have to be prepared to do whatever they ask.

If you have a recital to do, you have to memorize the songs. I never use music when I do recitals. It produces an instant barrier, both for yourself and the audience.

People think top singers are overpaid, but opera houses have a top fee, which is a good thing. Of course concerts are different- everyone wants to make as much money as possible.

No matter what techniques and what disciplines you go through, I think there is one factor more intangible and that is the motivation to pick yourself off the ground when you've been totally bloodied and smashed and say, 'Let's fight some more.'.

When I go to an opera performance and sit there while people are cheering and shouting "bravo," I sometimes ask myself what exactly they're cheering about. And I even see myself as an artist who also knows how to enjoy other people's performances.

I achieved everything one can achieve as a concert singer. Six Echo Klassik awards and three Grammys, and I also have my professorship at the Hanns Eisler Academy of Music in Berlin. Now I'm going to turn to other things, like readings or audiobooks.

Welsh is my mother tongue, and my children speak it. If you come and live in this community you'll work out pretty quickly that it's beneficial to learn the language, because if you're going to the pub or a cafe you need to be a part of the local life.

Walking on the moon is now something that people used to do, in the distant past, like macramé, decoupage and the Hustle.... There will just be the pictures, then, as we saw them in the summer of '69, ghostly and blurry, colorless and incomprehensible, an infant's glimpse of a new world.

People may have thought that we changed a lot. I don't think we came in with that intention. Certain things I can't stomach. But I tried to be as collegial as possible. When you sign that contract, you're tied to that opera house to try your best. But every different team will play with a different intensity.

It was in Cardiff, and the cast was 60 per cent Welsh-speaking. It's the first time I've walked into a rehearsal room speaking my mother tongue, which in itself was a breath of fresh clean air from the Welsh mountains. Singing Hans Sachs is always a milestone, but I was happy to be part of such an achievement, not personally but as a company.

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