Instead of spending money, I earned it.

Long shots almost always miss the mark.

I don't regret anything I haven't done.

W2K will be a bigger disaster than Y2K.

It's P for Progress not R for Recovery.

If you never quit, you're never beaten.

There's nothing wrong with being fired.

Every big problem is a big opportunity.

I don't believe in democracy by bayonet.

I didn't have anything to apologize for.

I found out water can be drunk straight.

Philanthropy is in the DNA of my family.

I set out to work hard, not to get rich.

It's the intelligent thing to be frugal.

Creativity needs discipline and freedom.

You can't save souls in an empty church.

Build what you want to see in the world.

I love my business. I love my employees.

One person really can make a difference.

I was richer than Bill Gates for 3 days.

Bulls do not win bull fights. People do.

If I shoot at the sun, I may hit a star.

I think I pick more winners than losers.

It's not my style to blame anybody else.

Great moments await around every corner.

Lose your smile and lose your customers.

It's just part of my DNA. I love racing.

Get the best people and train them well.

Nuclear war would really set back cable.

What the hell did we do to deserve this?

Life is too short to be a boring company.

I want the last cheque I write to bounce.

Management has to be where the action is.

I hate to lose. Hate, hate, hate to lose.

I think about the next season right away.

America is ripe for a service revolution.

Don't avoid eye contact and don't be late

Data really powers everything that we do.

I have a love factor with the minorities.

I'm the same businessman Donald Trump is.

The media doesn't always reflect reality.

Stay enthusiastic after getting rejected.

I'll never retire. I like what I'm doing.

Lucifer is a master at gradual deception.

I'm a stockholder. I own a lot of stocks.

I don't think I'm a criminal, number one.

Think of it as you want it, not as it is!

Never settle. There is no reason to rush.

Sweat equity is the best startup capital.

I have no intention of making small bets.

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