Avoid hot stocks in hot industries.

The world is still in deleveraging.

None of Us is as Good as All of Us.

Customers do not want online games.

Microsoft's culture is very strong.

I like something with 'vice' in it.

I was cable when cable wasn't cool.

Never break another man's rice bowl.

There are two options: adapt or die.

Let chaos reign, then rein in chaos.

Sometimes even lawyers need lawyers.

Man begets, but land does not beget.

Yes, there truly is a joy to giving.

I love talking directly to the fans.

Don't hire a dog, then bark yourself

Comfort is the enemy of achievement.

I had cataract surgery a while back.

Going public is not a business plan.

If it's good they'll stop making it.

The Fresh Direct model doesn't work.

I care about making New York better.

Marathon runners set explicit goals.

Act confident, even when you're not.

I was determined not to remain poor.

I saved Latin. What did you ever do?

It costs a lot to build bad products

A billion saved is a billion earned.

The joy of juxtaposition is endless.

The natural-born investor is a myth.

Almost everything is like a machine.

I don't get caught up in the moment.

Discretion is a very valuable asset.

I wanted to better inform the world.

I see what keeps people young: work!

No one ever died with too much money.

I'm a lifetime Green Bay Packers fan.

When I open my mouth, the room rings.

What you manage in business is people

The Pentagon's lost entire countries.

Our parents are our first oppressors.

I'm not a Mike Bloomberg billionaire.

I'm a Bill Clinton social Republican.

Kindness is the essence of greatness.

Every 'No' gets me closer to a 'Yes'.

Business is the marketplace of ideas.

I think in terms of 20-year horizons.

The optimum committee has no members.

It costs a lot to build bad products.

It takes vision and courage to create

Capital is kind of a banking concept.

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