Banana republics are run on cronyism.

Beneath the excuse lies your destiny.

There is only one boss. The customer.

I'm not a politically correct person.

Developers, developers, developers...

To succeed you have to be innovative.

I would love to be a corporate leader.

Never be a minion, always be an owner.

If it doesn't sell, it isn't creative.

Women initiate most domestic violence.

In terms of defending Jews, I'm a Jew.

I have a regular, normal private life.

Moore's law is really about economics.

Don't equate activity with efficiency.

Who wants a dream that's near-fetched?

Business leaders cannot be bystanders.

I do stay busy. I like new challenges.

When I die, I want to come back as me.

It's not the dreaming, it's the doing.

One thing we can all control is effort

Stability is not the way of the world.

Stories are the shortcut to the heart.

Risk is an essential part of progress.

Christianity is a religion for losers.

Gas consumption is growing everywhere.

I believe people work for satisfaction.

I do want to go out on top, as a winner

I've been pretty lucky, I like my jobs.

People don't like to follow pessimists.

We're about winning and accountability.

Business is tough; you need tough guys.

I love not to be busy in a certain way.

To quit taking risks is a serious risk!

Black tenants smell and attract vermin.

I know my father can make a difference.

Second place is really the first loser.

Failure is an attitude, not an outcome.

The way of the pioneer is always rough.

Dream more than others think practical.

As CEO, my main job is editor-in-chief.

The harder I worked, the luckier I got.

The neutralizer to fear is self belief.

You never win any games you don't play.

Only morons start a business on a loan?

Never settle. There is no need to rush.

Marketing is an investment, not a cost.

If it's not growing, it's going to die.

One doesn't necessarily have a mission.

There are no lazy veteran lion hunters.

There's no such thing as bad publicity.

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