I'm not fat. I'm fluffy!

Your wig steers the gig.

I'm very driven by writing.

When your IQ rises to 28, sell.

I was not the popular kid in school.

I try to put my own history in my work.

Beauty is in the behind of the beholder!

You live by the cake, you die by the cake.

I hate people. People make me pro-nuclear.

I have always loved both drama and comedy.

If you must make a noise, make it quietly.

I drink diet coke so I can eat regular cake.

I know enough football to know that's funny!

Fundamentally, diaries are about loneliness.

If it's not happening, write your own thing!

I want to do something I feel like I can do.

Remember, "I" before "E", except in Budweiser.

I went to drama school at New York University.

People can relate to someone who isn't perfect.

There's so much to watch, I can't even keep up.

That's another fine mess you've gotten me into.

I do use my body a lot, to click into a character.

Drinking can bring out a dude that has some issues.

The love of a parent, that connection, it's eternal.

I really love having lots of down time with my kids.

If I had been the Virgin Mary, I would have said "No."

If I had been the Virgin Mary, I would have said 'No.'

Life is measured by how you lived it, not by the years.

A knick-knack is a thing that sits on top of a whatnot.

We can choose our family. We can't choose our relatives.

Comedy is my passion. I'm going to do this until I drop.

You pigeon hole yourself by the title you give yourself.

There are certain bits in my act that will never change.

I see myself as a roving mosquito, choosing it's target.

When I was on 'Saturday Night Live,' all I did was work.

Hanging out with comics, all they did was make fun of me.

I used to get painful crushes on really unavailable guys.

You know, there's a right and wrong way to do everything.

Me racist? The only race I hate is the one you have to run.

There's a light at the end of the tunnel. And it's a train.

The bad jazz that a cat blows wails long after he’s cut out.

The best contraceptive is the word no - repeated frequently.

I'm not fat. It's just my awesomeness swelling up inside of me.

You can't be bad ass in a car that kills gas like I kill tacos.

Most comedians come from a dark past and have a lot of sadness.

I like both movies and TV, so I don't have some big grand plan.

Kids, man, they're way too honest. They're like mini-alcoholics.

The three words every woman really longs to hear: I'll clean up.

If you put your personal stories out there people always connect.

I got off the plane - I was walking and cooking at the same time.

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