Care shouldn't start in the emergency room.

Nothing is safe [in Lebanon], as simple as that.

Tukhachevsky was an especially damaging loss for the army and the state.

If the [captured Israeli] soldiers are not returned, we will turn Lebanon's clock back 20 years.

I always felt that a governor surrenders a certain amount of privacy. And I came to accept that.

Lenin sensed that Tukhachevsky was a kindred spirit. He delegated the most responsible jobs to the obscure lieutenant.

Theory is continually the precursor of truth; we must pass through the twilight and its shade, to arrive at the full and perfect day.

There can be no doubt that if we had been victorious on the Vistula, the revolutionary fires would have reached the entire continent.

At a time of economic recession, the need for Medicaid and other safety net services is even greater. And we don't want to raise taxes on people who are having a tough time paying their bills.

If you nevertheless want to know what I feel when I release a bomb, I will tell you: I feel a light bump to the plane as a result of the bomb's release. A second later it's gone, and that's all. That is what I feel.

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