John Arne Riise was deservedly blown up for that foul

You want to be careful not to become just a blowhard.

My only rule about a joke is that it should be funny.

Everyone is dividing based on demographic categories.

Washington is a dirty diaper. It's time for a change.

Right-wingers don't want public education to succeed.

All truths begin as hearsay, as far as I'm concerned.

Of course he did it voluntarily, but he had to do it.

Villeneuve is now twelve seconds ahead of Villeneuve.

You can't see a digital clock because there isn't one

Unless you stop trying, how can you not fail anymore?

Studies have shown people listen to TV than watch it.

In the Nation of Islam, Akbar Muhammad is a big deal.

Only reprobates father children and then abandon them.

Paying tax is not a punishment. It's a responsibility.

One or two of their players aren't getting any younger

It's impossible for one person to think of everything.

They're my mistakes. ... I didn't pick the right guys.

Jenson Button is in the top ten, in eleventh position.

Alesi is in second place, and Hill is in second place.

Comments are my main way to communicate with you bros.

It's hard to be ambitious if you're content, isn't it?

Most of the time, you can beat a woman in an argument.

Like everyone else, rich people respond to incentives.

I played sports. I had boyfriends. I loved high school.

He's marked his entrance with an error of some momentum

The bottom line is this: Miers is a disappointing pick.

I think globalization has been really good for America.

Hillary Clinton is still - she's such a private person.

McCartney's first involvement is to be stripped by Saha

And with just 4 minutes gone, the score is already 0-0.

McCarthy shakes his head in agreement with the referee.

It's hard for me to believe someone could harm a child.

Here lies Walter Winchell in the dirt he loved so well.

Villa will probably play a lot worse than this and lose.

His pomposity is overshadowed only by his rank stupidity

Ted Cruz announcing he`s no longer never [Donald] Trump.

I didn't see the time, largely because there wasn't one.

Larry Summers is to modesty what Madonna is to Chastity.

Stay away from philosophy, kids: it will ruin your mind.

Limbaugh hosts a radio show. His job is to shock people.

I think [Donald Trump] will do something on immigration.

John Moncur has been much more effective since he came on

The thing I like about Bush is I think he hates liberals.

There's never a recession if you work for the government.

I forgot he [Barack Obama] was black tonight for an hour.

I want to make big films. That's always been my ambition.

I'm of course nostalgic for Barack Obama all of a sudden.

Populists love rich people. They just hate professionals.

Parties that are majority parties are incoherent parties.

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