Peter Weir has just shrugged off an ankle injury

You would be amazed what the ordinary guy knows.

I think I always stand up for what I believe in.

Phil Dowd checks his whistle and blows his watch.

At least when right-wingers rant there's a point.

You can't be loved for long if you're not feared.

If you cut Jamie Carragher open, he'll bleed red.

Donald Trump just needs the ego fed all the time.

When a president speaks that usually means a lot.

The only thing I'm running for is the state line.

Arsene Wenger has got to unlock the purse strings

Liberals will only support you after you're gone.

I don't think the Democrats need a silver bullet.

No known roof is as beautiful as the skies above.

Brundle is driving an absolutely pluperfect race.

Michael Schumacher is leading Michael Schumacher.

I often get too emotionally involved in my cases.

Moderation in the defense of liberty is no virtue.

There is nothing you can tell me to discourage me.

Two terrible behaviors don't make a good behavior.

My populism doesn't extend to my choice of hotels.

I knew that manual labor wasn't the career for me.

Real possession football, this. And Zico's lost it

The first step in good reporting is good snooping.

Either the car is stationary, or it's on the move.

Thackwell really can metaphorically coast home now

The era of resisting big government is never over.

I've never seen a monument erected to a pessimist.

A pessimist is one who builds dungeons in the air.

A cruise missile is more important than Head Start.

The Republican Party is officially a dumpster fire.

My audience is much more center right, or centrist.

Donald Trump appalls me. I won't be shy about that.

Democrats cluster in cities, and Republicans don't.

Sports don't define us; it is not what we live for.

Self Government won't work without self discipline.

Self-government won't work without self-discipline.

There's nothing scarier than a reckless prosecutor.

I don't care about power. I don't care about credit.

There's nothing Trump can do that won't be forgiven.

Every party and every movement tends to need a hero.

Learning was a by-product of her search for pleasure

Plunder is morally wrong. It ruins your credibility.

I'm an independent type. No one tells me what to do.

As we know the KGB is all over this election [2016].

I cover media people the way they cover politicians.

I have never seen a monument erected to a pessimist.

You can't be twenty-four hours of just Bush-bashing.

Probably not even a household name in his own house.

Never above you. Never below you. Always beside you.

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