Frivolity is the species' refusal to suffer.

War is not some sort of Nintendo video game.

If people don't like the history, I'm sorry.

You haven't lived until you died in New York.

Vulgarity is the garlic in the salad of life.

Love demands infinitely less than friendship.

But we moderns are impatient and destructive.

Scratch a fantasy and you'll find a nightmare.

A prettiness mummified by years of chalk dust.

Longevity is the revenge of talent upon genius.

Humility is a very important trait in a critic.

I know I may appear spacey, but that's how I am.

Yes, it's hard to write. But it's harder not to.

You are the instrument of your own illumination.

Los Angeles is seven suburbs in search of a city.

Life lived somehow for love is life never wasted.

Ah, well! We live and learn, or, anyway, we live.

Real art is illumination, it adds stature to life.

The past is the only dead thing that smells sweet.

Like water, we are truest to our nature in repose.

Like a starfish, the heart endures its amputation.

She was like a sinking ship firing on the rescuers.

Greed, like the love of comfort, is a kind of fear.

I really want to help write women back into history.

I'd confused need with love and love with sacrifice.

Men go to the theatre to forget; women, to remember.

I didn't promote war when I was a weapons inspector.

The United States is the laughingstock of the world.

The only thing I can do is continue to defend myself.

The tragedy of this life is not failure, but low aim.

A best-seller is the golden touch of mediocre talent.

No man can think clearly when his fists are clenched.

The only thing I get from the theatre is a sore arse.

In art there are tears that lie too deep for thought.

The most painful thing for me is to be misunderstood.

The way to perfection is through a series of disgusts

I had to grow up in prison for something I did not do.

The history of theatre is the history of first nights.

My personal philosophy is, you can be sure of nothing.

All art does but consist in the removal of surplusage.

Where government is impossible, politics is impossible.

Land was created to provide a place for boats to visit.

Art is a private thing, the artist makes it for himself

After each war there is a little less democracy to save.

Whom the gods wish to destroy they first call promising.

Science fiction is, after all, the art of extrapolation.

I haven't exaggerated anything, I've stuck to the facts.

I'm working on getting tougher with self-defence classes.

the territory of grief ... is both cruel and commonplace.

Their free verse was no form at all, yet it made history.

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