One thing that's good about procrastination is that you always have something planned for tomorrow.

Broadway shows in New York draw two times the attendance of all New York sports teams put together.

Even if I could, I wouldn't want to undo the transformation of jazz into a sophisticated art music.

Grief doesn't necessarily make you noble. Sometimes it just makes you crazy, or primitive with fear.

A cruel critic has never made anything; his glibness is a way of inflicting his emptiness on others.

Not content to have the audience in the palm of his hand, he goes one further and clenches his fist.

Not content to have the audience in the palm of his hand, he goes one further and clinches his fist.

Part of life is to live it, and enjoy it, and seize the moments that you find particularly pleasing.

Samuel Beckett's estate will not license productions of his plays that are not performed as written.

Much still remains to be learned about his sex life because the Hummingbird is quicker than the eye.

That she was irreplaceable became a bittersweet loyalty: Her death was what I had now instead of her.

The fate of the Celt in the British Empire bids fair to resemble that of the Greeks among the Romans.

Conformity may not always reign in the prosperous bourgeois suburb, but it ultimately always governs.

Order and surprise: these are two intertwined elements that make for any great library or collection.

I cannot stress this enough: do not take powerful hallucinogens before going to a Holocaust memorial.

Taste is more to do with manners than appearances. Taste is both myth and reality; it is not a style.

A critic is not a creative artist, is a commenter, a midwife of creativity, but not creative himself.

Feminism gave me a way to see myself in culture, in society, in history, and that was very important.

Male penguins are unfaithful up to an advanced age, a phenomenon sometimes attributed to the sea air.

I was told that my best-case scenario would likely consist of writing my memoir and then disappearing.

When we label human beings and flatten them to just a splashy headline, we lose decency and the truth.

There are those who believe in my innocence and those who believe in my guilt. There is no in-between.

Hope in the beginning feels like such a violation of the loss, and yet without it we couldn't survive.

The truth, or success, of any writer's story lies partly in its specificity and its emotional honesty.

Having disciples is in the end like having children, only not with love but with self-love preeminent.

The conscious purpose of science is control of Nature; its unconscious effect is disruption and chaos.

If it is properly done, the 'as told to' autobiography represents how the subject wants his story told.

Too often the revolutionary is the man who must create order in the chaos left by failed conservatives.

My experience in growing up in Scientology is that it is both mentally and at times physically abusive.

The vengeful hag is played by Ingrid Bergman, which is like casting Eleanor Roosevelt as Lizzie Borden.

For tens of millions of people [television] has become habit-forming, brain-softening, taste-degrading.

The goal of a just society should be to provide satisfying work with a living wage to all its citizens.

Charles Ives was writing radically innovative music, but nobody performed it, and nobody knew about it.

God manifests himself in each historical period according to the understanding of the people of the era.

I'm really thriving and enjoying being a part of a really vibrant creative team and doing creative work.

The idea of a rational bureaucracy, of skill, merit, and consistency, is essential to all modern states.

To Marx the claim of the theory of ideology is that all doctrine is a derivative of social circumstance.

It is also said of me that I now and then contradict myself. Yes, I improve wonderfully as time goes on.

It is a miracle of harmony, of the adaptation of the free inner life to the outward necessity of things.

I detest literature. I abominate the theatre. I have a horror of culture. I am only interested in magic!

A villain who shares one's guilt is inevitably more attractive than a hero convinced of one's innocence.

I have no particular interest in antiquities or antiques, but I like things to meet a certain aesthetic.

Art comes to you proposing frankly to give nothing but the highest quality to your moments as they pass.

Quite apart from the prestige of technology, people do, after all, prefer a simple idea to a complex one.

I have yet to find a man worth his salt in any direction who did not think of himself first and foremost.

Someone who gossips well has a reputation for being good company or even a wit, never for being a gossip.

I didn't work for any newspapers in college, never worked for any newspaper before 'The Washington Post'.

My wife and I both love cooking - I am an advanced male - so we argue about who gets to rustle up dinner.

'Kukla, Fran and Ollie' occurred in real time and was a benign and bewitching example of pure television.

You can't reduce an actual human being; you're just writing! You're not doing anything to another person.

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