I have no privacy anymore.

I am a lucky, lucky person.

They call me Fearless Felix.

I'm more a competitive person.

I'm just basking in the glory.

Don't live life as a spectator.

I think I'm a little concussed.

But I can still lick the spoon!

I love Louisiana. It's amazing.

I always knew how to draw a crowd.

I feel like my eyes have gonorrhea.

The stratosphere is a hostile place.

Marty Stanovich was an honorable man.

I don't care what other people think.

I'm now a member of a pretty small club.

I'm retired from the daredevil business.

I think everyone roots for the underdog.

I can say the Lord's prayer in 10 seconds.

I want to do dramas. I want to do comedies.

I don't remember the first stunt I ever did.

People go to car races to watch the crashes.

If someone hits me I consider it a challenge.

Coal mining is tough. Acting is just tedious.

Learn to love what you've been taught to fear.

I have a lot of fears that normal people have.

The only thing you want is to come back alive.

Heroes don't wear diapers. It's just not cool.

I'm the fun dad, I am also the disciplinarian.

I think I coulda landed on a dime. I really do.

I wish there was such a thing as reincarnation.

Everyone has limits. Not everyone accepts them.

I love the tabloids except for when I'm in 'em.

You're never a failure until you fail to get up.

I don't like to rate myself; others can do that.

Breaks your heart when your son doesn't love you.

I went through life big-bang-banda-boom-bada-boom.

I went through high school, but I didn't graduate.

I pretty much operate on adrenaline and ignorance.

You were about five feet short of a ten feet jump?

Bones heal, pain is temporary, and chicks dig scars

Where there is little risk, there is little reward.

I don't have any problems in life, just situations.

Harley-Davidson is the finest company in the world.

I'm lucky enough to be with someone, and I am happy.

I base jumped off the Jesus statue in Rio de Janeiro.

The worse the reviews, the better for our demographic.

I want to find a nice decent job as a helicopter pilot.

I know guys in my hometown that drive by feel and sound.

I started skydiving because I loved the idea of freedom.

I was a really bad kid. Then, I got sweet as I got older.

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