Women are the root of all evil. I ought to know. I'm Evel.

We want to push mankind's boundaries out a little further.

If I do something, it's always 90% obvious and 10% unknown.

I'm not a stunt man. I'm not a dare devil...I'm an explorer.

All my life people have been waiting around to watch me die.

I base jumped off one of the highest buildings in the world.

Everyone gets hurt, but I've probably had the most injuries.

If a guy hasn't got any gamble in him- he isn't worth a crap.

I'm better than P. T. Barnum and Colonel Parker put together.

My wife and I, we like to ride where there's not much traffic.

Being a complete juvenile delinquent helped me grow up a little.

What calmed me down finally was when my girlfriend got pregnant.

When I hit that pavement at 70 or 80 mph those suits just ripped.

Sometimes you have to go up really high to see how small you are.

Never accept your limitations - because there are NO limitations.

I'm 100 percent sure I'm becoming a really good helicopter pilot.

Risk is good. Not properly managing your risk is a dangerous leap.

When you stand up there on top of the world, you become so humble.

I would always rather be in the arena fighting than be a spectator.

The Harley's got a little too much torque when it comes to jumping.

If something goes wrong, the only thing that might help you is God.

I actually got stabbed at my friend's bachelor party. In real life.

I always wanted to live to about 70. I thought that'd be a good age.

If it is possible, it is done. If it is impossible... it will be done.

I can't keep track of my hospital time. It all sort of blurs together.

I was crossing the English Channel with a carbon-fiber wing on my back.

I did everything by the seat of my pants. That's why I got hurt so much.

My life has been being a daredevil. I am Evel Knievel. I am a daredevil.

I'm not looking to lose anything. I'm looking to continue making movies.

Anybody can jump a motorcycle. The trouble begins when you try to land it

No prince, no king, no president has ever lived a better life than I have!

Anybody can jump a motorcycle. The trouble begins when you try to land it.

A motorcycle coming down from 30 feet at 70 mph gives you a terrible jolt.

The finest compliment you can pay a man is that his word was as good as gold.

But you come to a point in your life when you can't pull the trigger anymore.

Nothing's worse than a guy who loses fair and square and then whines about it.

I'm not only the best-known daredevil on the face of the earth, I'm the oldest.

There's just no stopping me. I went through life big-bang-banda-boom-bada-boom.

I always had the dream of flying, and the cheapest way is to become a skydiver.

Sometimes you have to go up really high to understand how small you really are.

It's a real primal thing, watching someone get hurt. It's funny and accessible.

I feel comfortable with what I do and I guess that my girlfriend feels the same.

I just love that spirit that makes people do things that they probably shouldn't.

I've been in a treatment center for drinkin'. I stayed for two days, then escaped.

People are fascinated about the world above them because it seems so out-of-reach.

I play golf five days a week. I find that if I play seven days a week, I get stale.

Sometimes I keep a car for only a week or two. I like the newest and the flashiest.

Of course my life has changed because now everybody knows who Felix Baumgartner is.

I love the feeling of the fresh air on my face and the wind blowing through my hair.

You can't say you're going to jump the Grand Canyon and then jump some other canyon.

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