Stop telling God how big your problems are and start telling your problems how big your God is.

The richest person in the world is not the one who has the most but the one who needs the least

We're on tour to kind of explain why we do what we do, how its done and how we put it together.

My dad has always been a big Ray Charles fan, and I've grown up listening to all kinds of music.

Sometimes something has a value, it has an instant quality to it, and that's all it needs to be.

Mic is volcanic, rhymes spread across the planet, I send out the scribe, now the vibes gigantic.

I love Disclosure. Dillon Francis. Bauuer. Flosstradamus. I listen to a lot of different genres.

They say learning to love yourself, Is the first step, That you take when you want to be real...

Classic rock, psychedelic rock - I like to dig up old music and see what I can get influenced by.

I think women's ears are a lot more sensitive. Men are going to follow whatever appeals to women.

A heart that has lost knows every other heart that has lost. Late and soon, loss is all the same.

My family brainwashed me, like I'm brainwashing my children. They brainwashed me with good taste.

One can be a technical master - full of craftsmanship, but not in most senses an artistic master.

I have a pretty normal office day. I get to work at 10 in the morning and leave at eight or nine.

All the best bands have a language, and what they say within that language makes it is what it is.

House music has always been about peace, love and unity - and I'm bringing the 2012 version of it.

There's nothing more frustrating than when you hear a track and you can never find out what it is.

People like me, DJs and producers, have a bigger say and a bigger voice than we've ever had before.

A very important thing about DJing that’s missed nowadays is the trendsetting and the taste-making.

Love comes again Just when I've broken down I found Love can come again You've got to believe that.

In the end of 2012 no one looks back on this year and remembers the nights they got plenty of sleep

If anyone takes me seriously then they actually must have a problem .. Music is fun its not algebra.

I'm very superstitious... I never shout at magpies, walk under ladders or put my shoes on the table.

If you can understand the humor in the drawing part you'll probably get the humor in the audio part.

I used to memorize music when I was real young. Schoolwork, not so much. But music I could remember.

I never became a producer to go to parties or wear nice clothes or put sales figures on my Wiki page.

I think dancing is one of the best things anyone can do for themselves. And it doesn't cost anything.

There's an amazing intimate feeling in a small club but an insane rush playing a stadium or festival.

If I were a girl, I always like Chanel. It's so stylish and timeless. So I like Karl Lagerfeld a lot.

I love disco and we sample it a lot for Duck Sauce. For me, that sound is kind of a new manifestation.

Before taking the stage, Paul Ryan spent 6 hours staring into a mirror working on 'concerned eyebrow.'

If you can't frighten yourself, I don't think you can excite other people. And I like being frightened.

I get bored with music so I try to listen to things in different types of genre to see what's possible.

I take out little moments of silence before or after they sing, because I just love those weird pauses.

Taking people on a journey is the fundamental element of underground dance music. I don't sell records.

I integrate music from all over the world in my sets, harmony is what my music and life are built upon.

The thing that's good about Hip Hop is that it has experimented with a lot of different sounds and music.

The equipment doesn't matter, it's the vibe you put into it. If the music sounds good, music sounds good.

Some people started to call me "the King of No" because with Daft Punk we were saying "no" to everything.

It's a good feeling to have something to stand for in any part of your life. It's like personal integrity.

America's definitely a trendsetter, and it's where a lot of information goes out to the rest of the world.

There are some things that you have to consider when using MySpace, and a lot of big labels don't do this.

I love performing in the U.K. Everyone is always up for it and brings all their energy to the dance floor.

As you mature, you start reading and studying and researching, you start to really know what life is about.

Man, the only thing that's important is what is due tomorrow. I don't care what it is as long as it's good.

I have always been able to move on musically. I've always been able to make all generations dance and love.

My whole thing is that I make music regardless. Regardless of everything around me, I'll always make music.

I do think that hip-hop has a relationship with comic book culture, and Kung Fu movies too, for that matter.

The honey is guarded by bees.. The rose has thorns.. To enjoy the sweet & beautiful you can NOT be cowardly.

I used to drink straight Hennessy, but I started drinking wine and champagne. It's easier to tour like that.

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