Repetition creates the master.

I rehabilitate dogs, I train people.

People say I train dogs, but in many ways I train people.

I'm naturally a loud person. It can be a bit overpowering.

Aggression is not the problem, is the outcome of a problem.

Think about a dog’s ability to forgive. This to me is love.

People who live in the now; those people make things happen.

When a dog is balanced, you are going to enjoy a true friend.

Little dogs bite more than big dogs but they get away with it.

My dogs have been my most loyal friends and constant companions.

Humans are the only animals who will follow unstable pack leaders.

I believe in integrity. Dogs have it. Humans are sometimes lacking it.

I would love for the world to have a dog psychology center everywhere.

You don't always get the dog you want, but you get the dog that you need.

I believe a calm dog is a happy, obedient dog that won't get into trouble.

Dogs in America get more affection than women in most Third World countries.

It's not the breed that makes a good companion. All dogs are great companions.

I think my life has everything, you know; it has comedy, has drama, has action.

I have two kids and they have the same rules. We have to do this as a community.

America focuses on being very intelligent because that's how you make more money.

Love is leading. People think it has to be two different roles but it is the same.

It's important to note that aggression isn't the problem. It's the outcome of a problem.

What keeps a nation strong is really the community. It is about people helping each other.

'The Dog Whisperer' to me is a show that had a passion, and it helped me save relationships.

There is no such thing as a problem breed. However, there is no shortage of 'problem owners'.

The more you think you have to use physical force to control life, the less you control life.

Children are becoming disobedient why, because of the lack of rules boundaries and limitations.

No dog is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate dogs, I train people. I am the dog whisperer.

I have never met a dog I couldn't help; however, I have met humans who weren't willing to change.

Children are becoming disobedient... why, because of the lack of rules boundaries and limitations.

Just being with dogs, I learned their ways and began to appreciate things from their point of view.

I wish my kid would act like my dog sometimes. My dog listens to me and does what I tell him to do.

It's an up and down thing, the human goals, because the human is always an explorer, an adventurist.

Change takes effort. And the reality is, most people don't want to put in effort to better their life.

A dog is a vehicle, you know, a dog is a window to Mother Nature and that's the closest species we have.

A dog is a vehicle, you know; a dog is a window to Mother Nature, and that's the closest species we have.

Many dogs grow up without rules or boundaries. They need exercise, discipline and affection in that order.

Puppies and kids naturally go together, but it's up to the adults to teach them how to do it the right way.

I used to be called 'a Mexican guy who can walk a pack of dogs.' Now the world calls me 'The Dog Whisperer'.

I have always been honest with my fans, which means being open about any struggles I have had along the way.

The pack is very important for a dog. Once you give him the right pack and the right energy, you look at him.

I love my dogs and I give them affection all the time but it has to be at the right time or they get confused.

You cannot "love" a dog out of her bad behavior, just as you can't "love" a criminal into stopping his crimes.

Any time you're working in the world of taming animals, you're going to get hurt. But it's a rush that we get.

Humans will always tell you the story. Dogs can only tell you the truth. Trust your instincts and listen your dog.

Explaining "why" to a dog is pretty useless. You have to engage their instincts in order to change their behavior.

It becomes very obvious, by reading a dog, how stable or unstable his human companion is. Our dogs are our mirrors.

Dogs experience the world as it is, without judgement. When we learn to do the same, we make the world a better place.

I want people to understand there is a such a thing as creating a harmonious experience between the dogs and the humans.

Always walk out the door ahead of your dog when leaving the house. This will show your dog who is in the leadership role.

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