Democracy in Myanmar cannot be achieved with discrimination and gross violations of human rights.

Here's something we're rarely told growing up: our world rewards wealth, not hard work or talent.

Adversity is the source of our deepest growth and greatest blessings; embrace it, dare to seek it.

If you are a garden plant you are regarded; well regarded, just as long as you stay in the garden.

The Faculty of Technology of Tohoku University is renowned for its tradition of practical studies.

Reengineering cannot be entrusted to the semi-competent, the hangers-on with nothing better to do.

Inventing is a skill that some people have and some people don't. But you can learn how to invent.

This third day of October, 1942, is the first of a new era in transportation, that of space travel

The A-PAC region is so important, mainly because it is growing much faster than the global average.

I was quite unable to make any white metal alloy hard enough to be made into powder by my machinery

Growing up in the 1960s, I can't remember a time when I wasn't fascinated by airplanes and rockets.

Studying engineering was natural for me; I was always interested in technology and building things.

What you want, when you want it. As opposed to everything you could ever want, even when you don't.

I think that there are a few people that are power manipulators that have gotten control of things.

Virtual reality might be able to give you a way of doing hands-on to construct ideas in a computer.

Although I've had several major career changes, I was extremely hesitant about making some of them.

Once I was adviced never to trust a pretty face. Well, and what should I do when a meet a shithead?

Man is certainly the most disgusting kind of worm that has ever crawled on this stupid ugly planet.

The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the embarrassment he can tolerate.

I was quite unable to make any white metal alloy hard enough to be made into powder by my machinery.

Quality planning consists of developing the products and processes required to meet customer's needs

The internet creates more of an appetite for media - it doesn't replace physical books, radio or TV.

Getting down to the nitty-gritty, most people are motivated by unconscious motives most of the time.

The world belongs to the wealthy, and nowhere is this injustice more apparent than in the workplace.

Whatever is rightly done, however humble, is noble. (Quidvis recte factum quamvis humile praeclarum.)

My natural mother died one month after I was born, apparently due to giving birth at an advanced age.

I don't pay good wages because I have a lot of money; I have a lot of money because I pay good wages.

That a country has a strong civil society is, I believe, particularly necessary for good development.

Product management really is the fusion between technology, what engineers do - and the business side.

I think Google should be like a Swiss Army knife: clean, simple, the tool you want to take everywhere.

I could imagine, some number of years from now, starting my own company. But not yet. Not for a while.

I didn't set out to be at the top of technology companies. I'm just geeky and shy, and I like to code.

You must try to make the most of all that comes but also don't forget to learn a lot of all that goes.

Bring love and peace and happiness and beautiful lives into the world in my honor. Thank you. Love you.

The Chinese love Ford's product line: they love the quality, the fuel-efficiency, the safety, the brand.

And that's where I'm finally at today - my life is about being with my family. This is what's important.

Money management is the only strategy to survive in this crazy, stupid and doped financial world market.

What's the advantage to have hundreds of words to define stupidity, when the essence is always the same.

No country is ever successful in the long term... without a really strong and vibrant manufacturing base.

We don't worry over macro-economic factors when investing, as we are always thinking about the long-term.

I was always good at math and science, and I never realized that that was unusual or somehow undesirable.

We never, ever in the history of mankind have had access to so much information so quickly and so easily.

Dear doctor, you must not only let the patient tells his story, but you should also try to understand it.

We're beginning the age in which machines attached to our bodies will make us stronger and more efficient.

You're always under the microscope, and you don't know which mission you're going to get. It's a surprise.

Scientists study physical things, then describe them; engineers describe physical things, then build them.

Of course, you'll have to meet the physical and psychological demands. A space walk takes a lot of energy.

The most interesting thing was looking out the window and taking photographs of different places on Earth.

If we do not like what we see in that mirror the problem is not to fix the mirror, we have to fix society.

This working together is just so important: you're either working together, or you're not working together.

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