Your whole life informs your eye.

I hope I'm still shooting when I'm 80.

Painting and writing are solitary arts.

I am not a fan of having too much gear.

There is a kind of beauty in imperfection.

In aptitude tests, I scored highest in music.

Photography must be integrated with the story.

I do think observing is important in learning.

Contrast is what makes photography interesting.

But at heart, I am more than a cinematographer.

Photography is a very important part of my life.

As a director, you try to find what is creative.

My first semester, I got a D in creative writing.

I realize that every picture isn't a work of art.

People confuse 'pretty' with good cinematography.

I don't approach films purely in context of genre.

I love everything that Cormac McCarthy has written.

Using my imagination and creativity is exciting to me.

I can still recall the thrill of shooting my first film.

If you hate something, it bonds you to the thing you hate.

It's important to know that if you are dealing with shadows.

I suppose I would still be a communicator, maybe a musician.

[I] love 'Munich', man. That's a very underappreciated film.

It seems like we're not learning as a community, as a society.

Equipment makes my job easier, but it doesn't affect my style.

When I left art college, I was a still photographer for a year.

Sometimes, I think having less money can lead to more artistry.

I think the point of cinematography, of what we do, is intimacy.

Manipulating shadows and tonality is like writing music or a poem.

I want to tell a story and shape it all the way through to the end.

Resentment is like taking poison in hopes that your enemy will die.

Dad, wherever you are, you are gone but you will never be forgotten.

The sun is the most parallel light source because it is so far away.

This film, Tomb Raider 2, is a big challenge. It's quite exhausting.

I always had an interest in seeing people within their environments.

I really believe action will always be there and will never disappear.

What's seemingly a simple thing can actually be the hardest to achieve.

Every cinematographer I worked with had his own way of solving problems.

I was very happy sitting alone at a dining room table, writing a script.

I don't study any films. I'll watch them, but I don't study anyone else.

I couldn't imagine 'True Grit' in 3D. I think the idea is sort of absurd.

Resentments are like stray dogs,if you don't pet them, they will go away.

You are always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward.

The closer the source of light is to a subject, the broader the beams are.

We are creating a fabulous franchise with an incredible female action hero.

It's very hard to go to Monument Valley and not think of John Ford's films.

If reviewers don't mention your work, it's probably better than if they do.

That's why I like fast film. It gives you more freedom to light more naturally.

I don't think of myself as a director or writer. I think of myself as a filmmaker.

My peers say I have made a difference. That means more to me than winning an Oscar.

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