You can motivate by fear, and you can motivate by reward. But both ...

You can motivate by fear, and you can motivate by reward. But both those methods are only temporary. The only lasting thing is self motivation.

I am demanding.

I'm a little superstitious.

Be a tough-minded optimist.

The NFL has been good to me.

All quitters are good losers.

Make the big time where you are!

Guts win more games than ability.

A tie is like kissing your sister.

I have a house in Saratoga Springs.

Excuses are tools of the incompetent

There is winning and there is misery.

We're not playing solitaire out here.

Seafood makes you live 10 years more.

I'm not really in the excuse business.

I got more money than I can spend now.

The media dwells mostly on negativity.

Football games aren't won, they're lost.

Don't ever let good enough be good enough.

I'll tolerate you until I can replace you.

Success is never final, but failure can be.

Blame no one. Expect nothing. Do something.

Massage is the study of anatomy in braille.

Team guts always beat individual greatness.

By and large, I've been healthy all my life.

Potential means you haven't done anything yet.

Don't tell me about the pain. Show me the baby.

Either love your players or get out of coaching.

When Super Bowl time comes around, I get jealous.

We don't live in our fears. We live in our hopes.

You lose with potential. You win with performance.

You can only really yell at the players you trust.

Never let the world define you as less than Great.

If you have fun, fine. It's not all life and death.

Football is not a contact sport. Its a collision sport

We don't "have" a great day, we "make it" a great day!

You are either green and growing, or ripe and rotting.

Individuals play the game, but teams win championships.

If you're sensitive, you will have a hard time with me.

Football isn't a contact sport, it's a collision sport.

There are two things in New York, euphoria and disaster.

Never let hope elude you. That is life's biggest fumble.

A coach is often responsible to an irresponsible public.

I could have been a Rhodes Scholar, except for my grades.

Trade him for a six pack; it doesn't even have to be cold.

I think he's got good potential, but he needs a lot of work.

Usually older players, late in the season, start to get cold.

It was like the Colosseum in Rome and we were the Christians.

Not only is he ambidextrous, but he can throw with either hand.

I was fighting every windmill, especially when I was in college.

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