A prosecutor's job is to file the evidence wherever it takes us.

The difference between good and great is just a little extra effort.

The more honor and self-respect among players, the greater the team.

If I have affected someone in a positive way, that means a lot to me.

I like linebackers. I collect 'em. You can't have too many good ones.

I can't live my life worrying about something that might never happen.

If the players don't trust the coach, it is a problem, and vice versa.

More grounded, more humble, more selfless makes us more opportunistic.

I don't think, I don't intend to make people miserable. I am demanding.

I don't even think you know how great you really are. I believe in you.

Resourceful coaches strive to have more ways to win than the other team.

Don't worry about it. It's just a bunch of guys with an odd-shaped ball.

We don't care how big or strong opponents are as long as they are human.

You don't get any medal for trying something, you get medals for results.

I think confrontation is healthy, because it clears the air very quickly.

You continue to dream the wild dreams that you dream when you were young.

A good teacher creates an environment which allows the student to succeed.

You can't dream up confidence. Confidence is born of demonstrated ability.

I don't look at a problem and put variables in there that don't affect it.

No athletic director holds office longer than two losing football coaches.

What I do for myself stays within me, what I do for others lasts a lifetime.

It's not about what you're capable of, It's about what you're willing to do.

There are two sides to a pancake. One is brown and fluffy; the other is burnt.

If you've ever won a championship, then that's all you're interested in doing.

I think there are a lot of good people, a lot of good football guys in the NFL.

Nowadays, if you are afraid of confrontation, you are not going to do very well.

Football kickers are like taxi cabs. You can always go out and hire another one.

You get too old to lose. When you were a young guy, you bounced back from losses.

Why would you live your life worrying about something that's not going to happen?

I'd like to be somewhere near Lawrence Taylor so I can keep an eye on that sucker.

Creatures of similar plumages habitually congregate in places of closest proximity.

Football isn't a contact sport, it's a collision sport. Dancing is a contact sport.

A coach wouldn’t throw you to the wolves if he didn’t think you had some wolf in you.

It's a lot easier to lose than it is to win. It's easier, but it's not more comfortable.

The fans, with all due respect, they don't affect the decisions I would make as a coach.

I don't like celebrity quarterbacks. We don't need those. We need battlefield commanders.

Losers assemble in small groups & complain, winners assemble as a team & find ways to win.

I tend to attack the challenges that are right in front of me, the ones that I have today.

It's better to decide wrongly than weakly. If you're weak, you're likely to be wrong anyway.

I'm trying to keep my own house from burning down. I can't worry about someone else's house.

My only feeling about superstition is that it's unlucky to be behind at the end of the game.

I grew up under demanding people, that demanded things from you, expected you to toe the mark.

Two reasons I come down here every year: the food and there are multiple guys here every year.

All the backs in the history of this game are the same when there isn't any hole to run through.

This season isn't going to be without several crises. There's no doubt about it. They're coming.

The only players I hurt with my words are the ones who have an inflated opinion of their ability.

Any penalty - I've told you a hundred times - can be eliminated by concentration or good judgment.

I did see the Soul Train picture. That was interesting. I've heard all the jokes. I had it coming.

If they want you to cook the dinner, at least they ought to let you shop for some of the groceries.

If you don't invest very much, then defeat doesn't hurt very much and winning is not very exciting.

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