My goal was never to get re-elected.

I've made more cuts than any governor has ever made.

Politicians are no different than the rest of the public.

I'm not sure a candidate ever feels his message is getting out.

There's a lot of stress involved when your house is underwater.

I don't think Wisconsin should become known as a state where we shoot cats.

Wisconsin's kids shouldn't be allowed to fail just because Washington is failing them.

I think there can be some disagreement as to whether Kerry really won Wisconsin or not.

I am trying to send directions out and keep control of state government for the final month.

Well, Bill, I don't think you're going to find many shy people that are in the political business.

I am not about to let the people who so mismanaged the state budget now try to manage local government.

I have directed all of my cabinet to work to prepare a transition plan for the incoming administration.

With new jobs, new ideas, and growing confidence that our brightest days lie ahead, Wisconsin is on the move.

Going forward, my mind will be open to every solution - except one. We should not - we must not - and I will not - raise taxes.

I've said we need to look at things from the perspective of working people and taxpayers, not from the perspective of government and government officials.

From cutting back on state contracts to reducing the number of state cars, We're making state government smaller, smarter, more efficient, and more accountable.

I will say we now, in the polling in Wisconsin, much different than many other races, the public didn't perceive that we were getting a fair shake from the media.

In Wisconsin, We're at the forefront of research that might one day bring cures for diseases like Parkinsons and Alzheimers, and we must seize its great potential.

That's why I made decisions; they were tough decisions but we shouldn't feel bad at all - don't look back with any regrets, that's how I made decisions as governor.

There are a lot of personal things that take place when becoming governor and I am happy to work with him should he ask. I will give him the best advice I can give.

The important aspect shouldn't be whose administration it is, the important aspect should be how does the state of Wisconsin work, what can we do to move Wisconsin forward.

The important aspect as we look at this budget, and as we look at previous budgets, is the budget system - what I'm trying to get at is changing budgeting itself in Wisconsin.

I do not understand how anyone can, in good conscience, tell a family whose child is suffering from a life-threatening disease that politics is more important than finding a cure.

The tone did take on a negativity that I didn't like and when you make the decision to go the other way as we did it very directly had an impact, you can see it with the tracking.

Maybe politically it wasn't wise but when people have different view points I think the public has a right to hear it and the public has a right to make decisions based on those view points.

I said during the course of the campaign I didn't like it and I don't like the idea of having an opponent's picture on your ads and it would be nice to see candidates sign a pledge like that.

Every day President Bush and Congress refuse to fulfill their obligation to special ed is another day Wisconsin property taxpayers are stuck with the bill. It's unfair, irresponsible and must stop.

My goal was to do the best job I could in governing the state of Wisconsin, in some cases making very tough decisions to have to bring our spending in line with the resources we had at the state level.

As I've often said, Wisconsin's greatest strength continues to be the dedicated, hardworking people of our state. They go to work everyday, pay their taxes, and raise their kids with good, Midwestern values.

I also do not like the idea of soft money, these issue ads - people don't know where the money is coming from, millions and millions of dollars outside of the control of a candidate - there's no accountability.

It just happened that the course of the campaign went negative we actually went positive for a little over a week and you do the tracking of poll numbers and it hurt us. So the public responded to those type of ads.

The single most important thing we can do today to ensure a strong, successful future for Wisconsin is invest in our kids early - because what we do now will determine what kind of state Wisconsin will be 10, 20, even 50 years from now.

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