I exist only in the past.

We continue to be vigilant.

Rhythm is the pulse of music.

I served the Poland that existed.

The very essence of success is practice.

Art must be a slow and normal evolution.

Music is the only art that actually lives.

Fatherland before everything, art afterward.

Angela Merkel is the best solution for Poland.

I loved your country [America] before I knew it.

America, the country of my heart, my second home.

Art is the expression of the immortal part of man.

Music expresses first of all sadness rather than joy.

Intellectual isolation always follows commercial isolation.

I cannot imagine a genuinely happy home without music in it.

Art is great only when it bears the stamp of the individual.

It was not that socialism failed, it was the lack of socialism.

Art without technique is invertebrate, shapeless, characterless.

Man is naturally lazy, therefore he invents labor-saving devices.

The culture of any country is gauged first by its progress in art.

In Poland, nobody is arrested or persecuted for political reasons.

The Pole listening to Chopin listens to the voice of his whole race.

We do see significant signs of a slowdown, in the economy worldwide.

You are a dear soul who plays polo, and I am a poor Pole who plays solo.

I would not go so far as to say that we are completely changing our outlook.

The ultimate necessity is the summoning of the mind and will to do their duty.

When I miss a week in practice, my audience knows it. When I miss a day, I know it.

Thank goodness we don't live in medieval times, when people fought wars over ideas.

More or less Europe - that's the wrong alternative! What we need is less centralism.

I am inclined to believe that some music, like certain poetry, finds its appeal and way to all.

I established a certain standard of behavior, that, during my playing, there must be no talking.

A single party is ruling in Hungary, but democracy and the freedom of speech are still in place.

America is so large and so diverse that it is overwhelming, but my first impressions are favorable.

There cannot be a federal state of Europe without all citizens receiving the same benefits and rights.

The great familiar musical works are always greeted by the audiences as ever welcome and beloved friends.

The mere fact of knowing that a great audience waits on your labor is enough to shake all your nerves to pieces.

Should that worse scenario materialize, then most probably our propensity to increase interest rates will be weaker.

I am nothing! If you could know the dream of what I would like to be, you would realize how little I have accomplished.

Who lent the Greeks the most money? It was German banks, and for a long time, they were profiting from it quite nicely.

Poland is a sovereign state. We want the same rights as all other EU countries. Nothing more, but nothing less, either.

We Poles are and will remain convinced Europeans. For us, Europe is a community of the diversity of nations. No mishmash.

Beginnings play their prized part in every finished human accomplishment, for beginnings mean the birth of added progress.

Vaclav Havel is the figure that represents the Velvet Revolution and the reunification of Europe. He will be sorely missed.

Piano playing is more difficult than statesmanship. It is harder to awake emotions in ivory keys than it is in human beings.

I do not have the right to vote in Germany. From a Polish perspective, I say: it would be good if Ms. Merkel were reelected.

Socialism as such from its very origins is a workers' system, and when there occur deviations, it is workers that react first.

I would like to hear from Chancellor Merkel what she was thinking when opening the borders. I cannot imagine at all what it was.

If I miss one day of practice, I notice it. If I miss two days, the critics notice it. If I miss three days, the audience notices it.

Unfortunately, manipulation and defamation are part of the bad manners that have been prevailing in Poland's politics for ten years now.

Our rate moves will have an impact on the economy in 2013. Whether we raise or lower rates depends on how the economic situation develops.

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