The a series of tubes.

The taxpayers deserve accountability.

Have you ever tried to split sawdust?

If you want to call me a bigot, fine.

I have no plans to run for president.

Big Business wants cheap labor costs.

In those days secrets were well kept.

Stability means respecting precedents.

Mind is the great lever of all things.

I had made my reputation on integrity.

The mortician interviewing the corpses

I will vote my hopes and not my fears.

Dependency encourages social problems.

I am an American. I love this country.

I have a problem with homosexual acts.

We need leadership, and we need it now.

As the family goes, so go the children.

Liberty consists in wholesome restraint

The Tea Party doesn't like politicians.

I do not represent the Republican Party.

The enemies of freedom will not prevail.

The world changed on September 11, 2001.

Fred Thompson was a law partner of mine.

Health care is a right, not a privilege.

Want of punctuality is a want of virtue.

Marriage is a religious and state issue.

I don't think Obama will get re-elected.

Texans should not be taxed on our taxes.

We all do better, when we all do better.

I'm short, I'm Jewish and I'm a liberal.

Govern wisely, and as little as possible

Fundraising is very, very time-consuming.

Have faith in yourself and in the future.

[Mondale] was not born; he was appointed.

Israel controls the United States Senate.

Partner with churches to assist the poor.

Human beings crave freedom at their core.

Big money is ruining the political system.

A nation cannot afford to do a mean thing.

There is no such man as a one-person hero.

The Lord looks after drunks and Americans.

Instruct the mothers of the French people.

We have hit bottom and are on the upswing.

You know, a statesman is a dead politician.

Is there decency left in American politics?

One country, one constitution, one destiny.

In a democracy, dissent is an act of faith.

We must dare to think unthinkable thoughts.

The moment of twilight is simply beautiful.

I do think women generally are more humble.

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