Timing is everything.

I help horses with people problems

The author's tribute is heartfelt.

Don't get on a horse that's moving.

Your Horse is a mirror to your soul.

Frustration begins where knowledge ends

The horses are talking ... just listen.

Gentle in what you do, Firm in how you do it

There are no problem horses, only problem riders.

To change your horse you must first change yourself!

Well you learn from making mistakes. It's that simple.

The greatest strength a man can achieve is gentleness.

The speed of the leader determines the rate of the pack.

Don't let anybody's opinion kill your belief in yourself.

I want to leave the world a better place for horses and people.

The number one worst piece of horsemanship on earth is violence.

Every time you interact with a horse, you are teaching the horse.

Controlling your emotions is the biggest challenge for a horseman.

It is all about the quality of the communication, not the quantity.

Solutions to problems often come from knowing when to ask for help.

Most people don't realize how little it takes to get a horse to move.

Horses react appropriately while waiting for the human to get it right.

Sometimes you have to go through some ugly stuff to get to the good stuff.

There are things that the horse did for me that a human couldn't have done.

They say nerves heal real slowly. Lots of things about us heal real slowly.

I just spend my life driving down the road, training horses and helping people.

Trust is established by working around horses in an utterly predictable manner.

Average talent, plus hard work and dedication, will always beat talent by itself.

Horses are very sensitive and perceptive. You don't have to be physical with them.

A good trainer can hear a horse speak to him. A great trainer can hear him whisper.

When educating horses there is no greater maxim than slow is fast and fast is slow.

That absolute pure honesty of the horse, man that's just the greatest thing there is

One of the biggest challenges of a horsemen is to be able tot control your emotions.

Be black or white with no shades of gray. In other words, don't be a nagging mother.

The wonder of Independence is that it encourages open minds and the desire to improve.

The road may bend out of sight at times, but I know what lies ahead: the faraway horses.

You can't make something happen with a horse, but you can fix things up and let it happen.

My work is my play. I found a way to make my passion to be the same as how I make a living.

Horses are incredibly forgiving. They fill in places we're not capable of filling ourselves.

Horses are our silent partners. When we learn their language. This partnership grows strong.

If you miss the beginning, the basics, then you are destined to go back and visit the basics.

The horse saved my life, so that's kind of why I'll spend the rest of mine trying to help them.

All your horse looks for is the thing that matters most, peace and contentment. Give it to him.

The horse is a mirror to your soul... and sometimes you might not like what you see in the mirror.

A lot of times, rather than helping people with horse problems, I'm helping horses with people problems.

Everybody ought to be given a chance to do whatever they want, but be responsible for their own actions.

A horse can have a job and not be a slave. He can look forward to it and enjoy it. That's the same for me.

I'm still on the move, I'm getting better because I'm still studying. I still want to be a better horseman.

Simply put; I'm trying to see what I can get done with the horse without him being troubled about doing it.

Whether it's horses or whatever it is you do, it doesn't become an art until your soul goes into what you do.

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