I only seem to date younger women.

Light that is One though the lamps be many.

As a listener, I like a wide range of sounds.

I am the King of biting off more than I can chew.

It's tough to be 68 and dating. I've given it up now.

I don't consider myself a very religious person in any.

I really do believe in the influence of your surroundings.

All this world is but a play... be thou the joyful player.

The stuff we did under the name the Rentals got so chaotic.

I'm kind of a one-note at a time, one finger keyboard player.

We had something very special in the Faces. We were blessed to have the fun we had.

I wanted to touch on the piece where often politicians use "god" to excuse their actions.

I enjoy making music alone, and I like keeping my options open for how I release my own songs.

The nice thing about being a band that nobody knows about is that you can do whatever you want.

It's funny because my main awkwardness around writing the song had little to do with the method.

I am really pleased to hear each of my songs described as a total surprise. This is what I want!

What I do for migraines when I get them, I listen to classical music, and I turn it up really loud.

So many policy decisions that effect musicians are being made without any input from musicians at all.

I'm terrible remembering lyrics. Before a tour, I have to remind myself. I have to go through the songs.

I can't believe I'm in New Zealand, I can't wait to play. It's just so beautiful out here and so awesome.

When I joined Small Faces, we occasionally would bump into The Who. And Keith Moon and I became firm pals.

I'm certainly not a lyricist first. I prefer doing it intuitively and not really thinking about it so much.

I think I have come across as "unafraid" because I really cannot control what comes through me in my writing.

I don't feel [the] excitement you have when you first walk into a recording studio. It now feels like a tool.

As I've gotten older, I have gotten a lot better at finding the pleasures of making music despite the business of it.

I didn't realize at the time that if I wrote about something, I was going to have to talk about something. A lot. Ad nauseum.

I like having some things very clear while other things are obscured... so that it kind of keeps coming into and out of focus.

I think just as a person, if you say you follow Christ, you have to stand up for the injustices that are going on in the world.

I always write from rhythm first, so if I need a song fast, I have to start there. Then I just threw some electric guitar at it.

I get more excited about like, "How nice is the piano?" or "How does the room sound?" I don't really see the gear so much anymore.

I'm not trying to recapture anything. It's really about moving forward. I don't have much reverence for what I've done in the past.

I am so blessed that all I've done in my professional life, since I was 17-18, is play music and somehow make a dollar here and there.

You don't stop thinking about women just because your wife dies. It's terrible, but you know. I just want the hugs, the kisses. A kiss!

The feeling of support I got was pretty overwhelming. That energy and optimism was something I had been missing and didn't even know it.

I like the fact that Austin's the first place I've ever lived where there's a real sense of community. People care about their neighbors.

It's a very different feeling just sitting around the side, playing piano, and dancing around as opposed to standing in front and singing.

Really, everything for me comes from "Manifestra." It was an incredible gift of a song; it really describes an important moment in my life.

When I'm recording something (especially because I produce my own music) I might consider how hard it would be to replicate a song on stage.

When you make a record, you probably are not going to hit exactly what you were aiming for. You also have to let go at a certain point, and just trust it.

The Small Faces was such a different band than the Faces. I know three of us are the same, but when you take Steve Marriott out, it's a very different band.

Musical integrity means a lot to me, personally for myself, I don't really care if other people can't even sing or whatever. For myself I have high standards.

Is there a home, a home for me? Where the people stay until eternity? Is there a road that winds up, underneath the big green tree? Is there a home, a home for me?

I learned how to have a little bit of distance when I explained songs and a little bit of distance when I wrote them. I think this is more interesting any way in art.

I like garage band for writing because you only have crayons and there are only five crayons in the box. Your choices are limited and I find that to be very good for me.

I don't view myself as any kind of celebrity, but we as people are called to do those things and I am just lucky I have a microphone and can reach more people sometimes.

I just like dealing with scientists for awhile and then going over and dealing with musicians for awhile. They both have qualities that kind of counterbalance each other.

In actuality it's drum samples in the computer. I don't know, I've just never really dug into that whole technology thing, I feel like it hurts me as a musician a little.

New wave disco was coming to the fore then, and we were at a different point entirely. I like to listen to dance music, but I don't think I'm primarily a dance music writer.

My approach to writing and recording now is pretty much the same as when I started. Except now I worry even less about what people will think of what I made. And I am not drunk.

The only really weird part for me was making sense of the person on the TV at the same time as the person who I am friendly with and do something so friend-intimate with as text.

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