The mainland Chinese tend to take a Chinese mainland point of view on controversial issues, and the Taiwanese take another the Taiwanese viewpoint.

The reason people need advice on using social media is that they're a much more complex and nuanced way to communicate than a conversation or email.

Waking up every morning with a company is a lot of pressure. But when you're aware of what other people are waking up with, it's a whole lot easier.

[On culture] It's living the core values when you hire; when you write an email; when you are working on a project; when you are walking in the hall.

You know when people leave a job, and they say they didn't know what they came away with after two years? That's how I felt when I first left Google.

People have SMS, right? It stinks. It's a dead technology, like a fax machine left over from the Seventies, sitting there as a cash cow for carriers.

Freedom, liberty, individual rights, that idea of dealing with other people in a matter that is not initiating force against them, is critical to me.

The biggest thing about Pinterest is that people are there saving ideas for their personal lives. Not to rile up other people or make a big statement.

Someone will always have an opinion about you. Whatever you do won't ever be enough. So find something important to you. Find something that you love.

Somewhere along the way, when we were building social media products, we forgot the reason we like to communicate with our friends is because it's fun.

Our focus remains on delivering the promise of WhatsApp far and wide so that people around the world have the freedom to speak their mind without fear.

In early 2010, we launched our first localized version of 'WhatsApp' for iPhone. It included Spanish and German language translations, to name a couple.

When people meet me, and I'm generally pretty sociable, and I meet some definition of normal, they're almost surprised. And simultaneously disappointed.

Like most entrepreneurs, getting motivated to work has never been a problem for me; focus comes through delegating tasks to the best people you can find.

The high five card will be an insignificant bonus to the incredible time I’ll have traveling the world and meeting new people, especially fans of Nando’s

I grew up in a country where I remember my parents not being able to have a conversation on the phone. The walls had ears, and you couldn't speak freely.

I love making things, like software, and films, and laughter. And working with Gus Silber, to make the Funny Business book, has been a fantastic journey.

The ultimate definition of success is: you could lose everything that you have and truly be okay with it. Your happiness isn't based on external factors.

The surveillance state has run amok. Technology that's enabled us to send selfies 24/7 - not that valuable - has also enabled us to be spied upon us 24/7.

No, everyone has great ideas, but what makes a difference, especially online, or just in life, is actually doing it; getting that first version out there.

Don't take yourself too seriously - learn to laugh. Hire slowly and fire fast. And the most important thing is: you never invest in ideas, only in people!

I feel lucky because earlier in my career, I found what I liked to do; it's build software that you see your friends using on the street, and they like it.

From the outside, there's a perception Silicon Valley is full of really young, geeky guys. The reality is there are lots of different types of people there.

Facebook, Google, Apple, Yahoo - there's a common theme. None of these companies ever sold. By staying independent, they were able to build a great company.

I try to help founders as much as I can, but so many of us we won't even take meetings with people who still just have an idea, because everyone has an idea.

Reddit was created for people to speak freely and authentically and also for us to protect and value privacy. We're sort of the anti-Facebook in that regard.

People went to Dell for the computers, but they go to Apple for everything… That’s the difference between a transactional company and a transformational one.

There's no such thing as a good or bad culture, it's either a strong or weak culture. And a good culture for somebody else may not be a good culture for you.

I don't agree with everything Facebook does or Mark Zuckerberg's stance on identity, but he's a nice and extremely smart guy who believes in what he's doing.

Unless you have fixed costs, you don't need any capital to create a prototype. Ideally, your co-founders, with sweat equity, can create the product themselves.

We continue to grow, and, just like with countries like China or other countries where we are not doing particularly well, we take a really long-term approach.

While I'm optimistic about the direction the world is headed, generally, I think there is a need for constant vigilance and pressure on repressive governments.

Raise $500 for a thing you care about because you actually get the experience of taking an idea and actually doing it. There are fewer and fewer excuses not to.

I do genuinely believe that, when given and presented with all the information and all the actual facts, the vast majority of people will make the right choice.

The reason why I think Reddit is still around and some of our competitors are not is because we were really adamant about maintaining the integrity of the site.

Having been bullied growing up, it's something that's really near and dear to my heart. You probably won't have many friends on Snapchat if you're being a jerk.

If you look at firms like General Electric or other large companies, they don't just do one thing; they do many different things to generate sources of revenue.

I’d never managed anyone before, so I don’t have a lot of experience. But I’m lucky - I have a lot of team members who have a really honest relationship with me.

I'd never managed anyone before, so I don't have a lot of experience. But I'm lucky - I have a lot of team members who have a really honest relationship with me.

Republicans want to keep the open Internet safe from big government. Democrats want to keep it safe from big corporations. I say we agree to agree and move ahead.

A lot of times people start out with a lot of good ideas, but then they don't execute. They lose the purity of their vision. You end up running around in circles.

Hopefully 10 years from now people won't even realize we started out selling shoes. They will just think about Zappos as a place to get the best customer service.

So much of Reddit as a product was built on the shoulders of giants... We did some novel remixes of it but, at the end of the day, it was that: Grit and good luck.

You have a certain identity that you present to the world on Facebook, and you have a certain identity that you present with the telephone, and they are different.

We're kind of looking at a future where people acknowledge the hybridization of digital and analog, and appreciate and understand that they both affect each other.

A lot of times, people start out with a lot of good ideas, but then they don't execute. They lose the purity of their vision. You end up running around in circles.

I view my role more as trying to set up an environment where the personalities, creativity and individuality of all the different employees come out and can shine.

People take issue with individual aspects of Wikipedia all the time. But it's kind of hard to hate the general idea of a free encyclopedia. It's like hating kittens.

Yes, I was a big math and computer geek, that's true. I was driven by the scholastic side of things. For me, it was all about what I could do with math and computers.

We decided that if we get the culture right, most of the stuff, like building a brand around delivering the very best customer service, will just take care of itself.

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