If you commit a crime, you maybe have to be haunted.

The first and most fundamental issue of sin is pride.

The best time to go fishing is when you can get away.

Society leaders have urged me to seek the presidency.

I have passed all the physical hardships known to man.

The scratches in Yoko Ono records are moments of relief.

The attainment of justice is the highest human endeavor.

Each generation must recreate liberty for its own times.

I've never hanged a man. It is the law that has done it.

I'm bilingual. I speak English and I speak educationese.

Whether or not we establish freedom rests with ourselves.

Your son went into your kitchen and took a kitchen knife.

I don't have two different personalities. I am what I am.

A combination of tenacity and luck brought me here today.

In too many ways, political correctness has been a bully.

I couldn't give a rat's tutu about your emotional distress

I thought you would have to be insane to go into politics.

The federal government views the Constitution as its enemy.

Don't make a cemetery of your life by burying your talents.

Unless you believe in reincarnation, this is your one shot.

Behind everything we feel, there is always a sense of fear.

One of the best ways to learn anything is to teach yourself.

Humility is the gateway into the grace and the favor of God.

It so difficult to know what the people we love really need.

The nature of the Catilinarian conspiracy was bad and bloody.

The time to change was yesterday; the time to wake up is now.

Since I'm the judge, it's a very stupid thing to irritate me!

Being a TV star is a great gift. Everyone treats you royally.

Energy is always a matter of psychology for every individual.

I still love working. I still love being in the mix of things.

I'm a law-and-order girl: I like people who do the right thing.

There is no entering into the secret thoughts of a man's heart.

You want to run out in front, prepare to be tripped from behind.

If you tell the truth, then you don't have to have a good memory

You only have one thing in business, and that is your reputation

An obligation is something which constrains or induces us to act.

Like mothers, taxes are often misunderstood, but seldom forgotten

Everything in politics is politically motivated, didn't you know?

Memories are like stones, time and distance erode them like acid.

Never let anyone or anything define your value or limit your dream.

I think that you're supposed to know when it's time to say goodbye.

Words are chameleons, which reflect the color of their environment.

The public needs the equivalent of Chevrolets as well as Cadillacs.

If you're going to spend your time, spend your time getting smarter.

"Beauty fades," my father would tell me, "but dumb? Dumb is forever."

Some of the most impressive judicial nominees are grossly mistreated.

The role of the teacher remains the highest calling of a free people.

Uncertain justice by a verdict is much better than certain injustice.

As a lawyer I am before and above all things for the supremacy of law.

The most important thing for a judge is - curiously enough - judgment.

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