Seldom, if ever, does wisdom come, shall we punish it if it comes late?

The spirit of liberty is the spirit that is not quite sure it is right.

The apathy of the modern voter is the confusion of the modern reformer.

It is illegal for the budget department to discriminate among senators.

The cancer that demands our urgent attention is corruption and poverty.

I'm not in the habit of going to a psychologist. I psychologize myself.

If a fool keeps his mouth shut, there will be no difference of opinion.

Nothing destroys one's respect in the hearts of others more than greed.

True liberty can exist only when justice is equally administered to all

I don't think a judge should be too much involved in outside activities.

Incarceration is supposed to keep the community safe from your behavior.

There is no surer way to misread any document than to read it literally.

People are intimidated in court, and I try to make them more comfortable.

Don't try to teach a pig to sing. It doesn't work, and it annoys the pig.

Skepticism is my only gospel, but I don't want to make a dogma out of it.

The aim of law is the maximum gratification of the nervous system of man.

Liberty is so much latitude as the powerful choose to accord to the weak.

In the end it is worse to suppress dissent than to run the risk of heresy.

I have licked cancer, and I'm actually thinking of several career options.

We often plough so much energy into the big picture, we forget the pixels.

I was an unremarkable student with passable looks and a direct personality.

The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right.

The quest for peace begins in the home, in the school and in the workplace.

Nobody is bound by any obligation unless it has first been freely accepted.

All revolutions are impossible until they happen. Then they become inevitable

There's no cap on success. The jury stays out till you take your last breath.

I started out in a two-room apartment in Brooklyn and thought, 'Never again.'

I go down to the gym unwashed, like something dragged in from behind a truck.

There is simply too much corruption, too much money available for the taking.

My style is confrontational: when I see evil, I want to remove it right away.

In ourselvesIn our own honest hearts and chainless handsWill be our safeguard

The laugh-count is right up there with being diagnosed with late-stage cancer.

If you are scared you die every day. If you are not scared, you die only once.

I don't read bad mail. I don't save mail. I'm too old to read negative things.

Parents give up their rights when they drop the children off at public school.

Water. Oil pales beside it, and the value of the land itself is measured by it.

Security is not the meaning of my life. Great opportunities are worth the risk.

There is always a certain peace in being what one is, in being that completely.

If you play it safe in life, you've decided that you don't want to grow anymore.

If you play it safe in life you've decided that you don't want to grow any more.

Opinions founded on prejudice are always sustained with the greatest of violence.

You turn inward. There's nothing to distract you, so you begin to look at yourself.

No doubt one may quote history to support any cause, as the devil quotes scripture.

He who accuses another of being an evil person says so because he is afraid of him.

Fishing is such great fun, I have often felt, that it really ought to be done in bed

I only do one thing at a time; otherwise, I get confused and then I can't trick you.

A period of detention in a chilly upstate facility can be a great attitude adjuster.

What keeps me going is those cases, maybe ten a year, where I can make a difference.

The language of the law must not be foreign to the ears of those who are to obey it.

When I say "I," I mean a thing absolutely unique, not to be confused with any other.

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