Smoking is a dying habit.

Suicide is a real threat to health.

I am a passport-carrying citizen of the E.U.

Maximising my wealth was never my chief thing.

By the end of the 1970s Britain was in a mess.

I never ask for mercy and seek no one's sympathy.

I don't go around trying to stir up foreign wars.

The facts of Watergate have been wildly exaggerated.

Like all fads, corporate governance has its zealots.

The vicar of Christ is an individual, not an electorate.

Terrorists cannot threaten the survival of a great nation.

I am proud of being in a U.S. federal prison and surviving it.

Unionized teachers have destroyed much of the state school system.

And so, you know, you can be - and I hope that I am - a thinking Muslim.

I made 50 million bucks yesterday. That's a flameout I could get used to.

The risk climate of modernity is thus unsettling for everyone: no one escapes.

The new mixed economy looks...for a synergy between public and private sectors.

Anybody in my job steers a tightrope between being popular and being principled.

Greed has been severely underestimated and denigrated - unfairly so, in my opinion.

Since biblical times, and probably before, the wealthy have been envied and condemned.

Martin Luther King did not stir his audience in 1963 by declaiming 'I have a nightmare'

Rupert Murdoch is probably the most successful media proprietor and operator in history.

Grand business plans are all very well, but nothing beats dipping your toe in the water.

Apocalypse has become banal, a set of statistical risk parameters to everyone's existence.

Perhaps the gravest under-publicized atrocity in the world is the persecution of Christians.

For decades, I have been a militant anti-declinist in terms of America's place in the world.

[Canada's social welfare system is] an overgenerous reinsurance policy for an underachieving people.

The difficulties of living in a secular risk culture are compounded by the importance of lifestyle choices.

'Taking charge of one's life' involves risk, because it means confronting a diversity of open possibilities.

Economics is half psychology and half Grade Three arithmetic, and the U.S. does not now have either half right.

However, no human being - and certainly no man - has the right to define for me what my understanding of God is.

The U.S. prosecution service is eating at the soul of the American republic. It is an absolute danger to everyone.

Most American media outlets that are controlled by Jews seem to be reflexively, or at least habitually, anti-Israel.

I may have made a mistake in renouncing my Canadian citizenship, which I have never ceased to promise to try to regain.

All emphasis in American prisons is on punishment, retribution, and disparagement, and almost none is on rehabilitation.

The sustaining of life, in a bodily sense as well as in the sense of psychological health, is inherently subject to risk.

Although his personality is generally quite agreeable, Mr Murdoch has no loyalty to anyone or anything except his company.

I mean there is an assumption made that Islam is about submission, and I think that the submission that we have is to God.

The body is thus not simply an 'entity', but is experienced as a practical mode of coping with external situations and events.

It is good to see two women from Britain's minority ethnic communities fighting in seats that Labour won at the last election.

The thesis that risk assessment itself is inherently risky is nowhere better borne out than in the area of high-consequence risks.

Guerrilla wars, and even more so terrorist assaults, are conducted only by forces with insufficient strength to carry out a real war.

Achieving control over change, in respect to lifestyle, demands an engagement with the outer social world rather than a retreat from it.

There is not one shred of evidence that the Internet has had any downward influence on North American or European newspaper circulation.

The body is in some sense perennially at risk. The possibility of bodily injury is ever-present, even in the most familiar of surroundings.

Given the genocidal belligerence of Iranian threats against Israel, it is hard to take issue with Israel's right to preemptive self-defense.

I will always take on a new challenge. I believe in jumping off the ship every now and then. If you don't, you won't really learn how to swim

We're going to try and recruit the very best people we can and produce the best papers we can, and publish them to the highest standards we can .

Nixon's full term was one of the most successful in U.S. history, which is why he was re-elected by the largest plurality in the country's history.

It was always said that the big distinction between the French and the English is that the English are intelligent and the French are intellectual.

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