I am a little extrovert.

I think Apple is a great device company.

Real estate is one sector that India is not very proud of.

I learned a lot from Jack Welch about how to run a business.

In urbanization, you think big because you are thinking decades ahead.

If it was not for Rajiv Gandhi, urbanization in India would have been history.

Without land, how can you have development of roads, highways, townships, etc?

Tablets generally have made it pretty obvious that magazines have a new lease on life.

Land is an emotional subject with a farmer in India because it is his only means of income.

Why do you need to drive a Ferrari to get stuck in a traffic jam anyway? How do people afford these cars?

Rather than lose the public because television is here, wouldn't it be smart to adopt television as our instrument?

Urban development in India... will be the biggest sunrise industry that any country has seen in any part of the world.

As reforms have come into India, as India has started opening up, prosperity is increasing, as is demand for urban housing.

I would just like my children to be able to eat fish when they grow up. Now, I don't think there's anything controversial about that.

You buy a movie, you should get it anywhere you want it. You pay for a network, you should have that anywhere you want. Same thing with a magazine.

The future belongs to brands that do more than pay lip-service to real dialogue and recognise that their customers want them to believe in something.

What any manager will try to bring to a company first and foremost is an energy and commitment to the business. To try and really roll your sleeves up.

Information is the most valuable commodity in the world today and this business is about giving people access to information that is relevant to their lives.

There are bad people and there are bad corporations. Just as there are good people and good corporations. That might seem too black and white, but what can I tell ya?

When a person is dispossessed of his land, there is a reaction and you have to deal with the reaction properly. You just can't deal with the reaction by giving him money.

Connectivity doesn't just mean you get a lot more chances to deliver messages about customer service and pricing plans. This isn't one-sided. It enables people to talk back.

I'm very committed to and interested in CNN's journalism and our magazines and our movie studio, not just HBO, where I grew up. But I do have a fondness for subscription television.

How do we think beyond interruptive ad formats, and do things that are much more integrated, much more innovative, and actually empower the viewer and give them a better product experience?

It is important to have a reliable and substantive publication such as World Screen available as a source for information. The magazine's reporting is always on the cutting edge of the global television business.

Through basic science literacy, people can understand the policy choices we need to be making. Scientists are not necessarily the greatest communicators, but science and communication is one of the fundamentals we need to address. People are interested.

People try to read a lot into what 'digital' means. It's just another platform. There are very attractive things that happen if you invest in content - movies, TV production, acquired series, specialty genres, digital distribution of our magazines, sports rights.

What makes a media company successful is how it copes with competitive markets in which people have a choice. Competition today is at a more intense level than it has ever before been because the barriers to providing information in the virtual world are so low and the choice of provider nearly infinite.

The reason people talk about cable cutting is they imagine the price burden will get so high that people won't be able to pay it. They're missing something: that the actual price of the electronic package is going down. They've got their Internet, phone, TV, all of it. Now people are using more and more stuff for less.

My belief is that if you grapple with the big changes until you really get them and if you develop an internal compass to steer your marketing and communications, you will be working in a discipline that is more exciting, more intellectually rich, more delightfully complex and ultimately more rewarding than it has ever been.

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