Last word in lonesome is me.

Thank God and Greyhound you're gone.

MOTHER (a word that means the world to me)

Don't be afraid to fall flat on your face.

Touring is really a pretty lonely business.

Stay busy and take care of your own business.

Grantland Rice can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.

When he was a player, I was always close to Jim Fregosi.

A cowboy never takes unfair advantage - even of an enemy.

I'm trying to sell every audience something; that something is me.

I learned a lot from Jimmie Rodgers when I started trying to yodel.

Oh, I fooled around with baseball, but I never really took it serious.

In the movies, I never lost a fight. In baseball, I hardly ever won one.

I love the alchemy of cooking, the theatre of it. It's creating something.

Here comes Santa Claus! Here comes Santa Claus! Right down Santa Claus Lane!

I've done 'Back in the Saddle Again' so darn long, I could go to sleep and sing it.

I remember at the age of, and I'll say this, 10 and a half, 11, I had a natural boy soprano.

My movies were always clean. There was never anything obnoxious in them that might offend anybody.

Is it music? ... This is not the important question. The important question is, is it interesting?

I love observing both vocally and by sight. So I take on a lot of those elements of people around me.

It happens very rarely, but when it happens it's worth waiting for, that the instrument becomes part of your body.

I become absolutely reclusive when I'm not working, to the point where I question whether I can actually do it again.

What reason has one for existing other than to be involved with what is actually being created in your particular time?

I'm not really an awards person. I've got a couple of gongs over my time, but I tend to be snubbed anyway for some reason.

High in the sky is a bird on a wing Please carry me with you Far far away from the mad rushing crowd Please carry me with you.

I honestly never considered myself an actor. An actor would be someone like Paul Muni or Spencer Tracy. I was more of a personality.

You'll wake up on Easter morning, And you'll know that he was there, When you find those choc'late bunnies, That he's hiding ev'rywhere.

I start the show, and the armour goes on, and the showman comes out. When the show is finished, that comes off, and I become soft centred again.

When I finally put my guitar in the case the last time, I want to be remembered just as a singer, not as a country singer or pops singer - just a singer.

I walk where once the grass was green And mourn the lark that sings no more What bird could sing whose eyes have seen Broken blossoms on the field of war?

It made me a household name, but nothing comes for nothing. What I had to give physically, emotionally and vocally to that role took a bit of my soul away.

This is my seventh decade... and every once in a while I get a hankering to re-visit these songs again... songs with which I have had a great relationship.

The rains tumble down in the sky, Young swallows have learned how to fly, The leaves that were green are no longer so green, And it looks like the summer is over.

In the library I discovered that you could learn by following your nose. And I learned that a book was as close to a living thing as you could get without being one.

The ability to play the clarinet is the ability to overcome the imperfections of the instrument. There's no such thing as a perfect clarinet, never was and never will be.

Grantland Rice, the great sportswriter once said, 'It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game.' Well Grantland Rice can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.

Stories are at the very heart of being human; they talk about where we're from, where we are, and where we're going. They're like bread; you need to hear and tell them everyday.

I love what I do, and I never thought about doing anything else. I think my voice was bestowed upon me; it was a gift I was given. I just had to learn to understand how to use it.

I've done pretty well in my career, and I've watched colleagues who have spent most of the paychecks they receive on shoes and cars rather than bricks and mortar, and that's not me.

My friends kidded me about going so far on such modest talent. I always agreed with them. I had no illusions about my films, nor did I consider myself anything special as an actor or a singer.

We understand ourselves through stories, by making stories out of our lives. Storytellers give people structure with which they can begin to look at their own lives and try to make sense of them.

I allow my creativity to push me in directions that are simply interesting to me and I don’t worry about the likeness of the result to some notion - some paradigm - of what music composition is supposed to be.

If they gave me a fortune, My treasure would be small: I could lose it all tomorrow And never mind at all. But if I should lose your love, dear, I don't know what I'd do, For I know I'll never find another you.

I strive for perfection, but of course it can never be perfect. I'm never satisfied at the end of a performance. But the great thing about live theatre is that every night you get another chance to get it right.

I want to see a player on the football field. I want to see what kind of teammate they are, what kind of leadership qualities they have. I want to see how aggressive they are, how much fun they have playing the game.

With food, you're the artist; you put the colour in it, you present it to the table and it has the ability to knock out the senses. It can look fabulous, be beautifully presented and smell great and taste good as well.

If some people think it shows a feminine side to be in the theater, I've never felt that. And I'll openly say that an intelligent person who is a sensitive person will be and should be in touch with their inner female.

In Georgia it's a little different because of the East Cobb program. It's such a strong program that we see a lot of kids that come through here on a lot of different teams from across the country that come here to play in tournaments.

What I don't want is to be in the public's face all the time. I know there are people who will do anything and everything to be out there. That's not my agenda. I love doing what I do and doing it for a period of time and then stopping.

I do like silver. I love antiques. I collect Georgian glass at home. When you think about how fragile that it is and think about how long these things have lasted - some of it is 400 years old - I find the history of these things extraordinary.

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