Method Man is a rough, rugged street dude, but all the girls love him.

I just want to try writing for other people 'cause it's quite exciting.

I want to make music that is completely electronic but doesn't feel it.

With every album that I do, I try to feature a new instrument or sound.

Everytime you put an album out with any producer you do the same thing.

One agonizing journey down the gauntlet of youth is enough for any man.

The only thing you can do to lead a crowd is prove your passion to them.

Dilla could flip a boring record and make you feel like you were flying.

I actually did a remix for Katy Perry, and her management didn't respond.

I'm a really heavy sleeper. When I wake up I'm a terrible morning person.

Believe in yourself, don't let people put you in a box and stay positive.

I'm talking as a professional impresario. I'm not judging anybody at all.

I didn't learn black history in school. I had to go find Malcolm X books.

There is no such thing as pure good or pure evil, least of all in people.

Often, when I work with a vocalist, I like to focus on the melodies first.

I can't work without a Good L.A. weed. That's the thing you miss the most.

I'm just really happy to be happy for the first time since I was about 20.

If a woman and a man who have an argument keep talking they keep fighting.

Wayne is definitely one of the top five MCs to ever come out of the South.

I think it would be nice to see more of an open culture to different music.

My juices needed restoring. I needed a sabbatical from the record business.

It's just weird that indie rock heads and so on are connecting to my music.

I've helped save so many families with my music and inspire so many people.

I feel like New Zealand's a bit of an unchartered territory for me in a way.

For years, Jazz At The Philharmonic albums were the only ones of their kind.

The public, hearing pop music, is, without knowing it, also soaking up jazz.

It brings me joy to hear that people are laughing at my scene in 'Due Date.'

For the longest time, I wanted to become a pianist. That was kinda my thing.

I'm a producer for fun. I'm not a professional schooled musician or anything.

Music is 80 percent fun and 20 percent work. Video games, for me, is all fun.

Beyond Greek mythology, history just didn't have a strong resonation with me.

I'm always seeing stuff and imagining scenes in my head when I'm making music.

My function at Verve was that of a genuine producer in artists and repertoire.

I was a bandwagon jumper. If everybody in high school listened to it, so did I.

I have to make beats every day. Wherever I go, I got a keyboard waiting for me.

People don't really care to be around you when you're going through tough times.

Sometimes brothers are in war with each other, but at the end love conquers all.

I wrote a big animation scene for 'Iron Fists,' but we couldn't afford all that.

Directing is such a high. It's the hardest job ever, but I really love doing it.

We told you Wu-Tang was forever, and some people forgot that. It's not some fad.

When I made hip-hop, I made hip-hop. I didn't make R&B or make it for the radio.

I can't say unfortunately but sadly - I've got babies in more than one household.

I will say, for Wu-Tang, money wasn't the motivation, it was artistic domination.

I must admit I'm a total control freak. That is the way that it works best for me.

The music I was making for people not to dance to was the one they were dancing to.

The goal was always to do something that felt human but was 100 percent electronic.

When I heard Flying Lotus, I was like, 'Wow, okay, everything can be off the grid.'

I'd love to make 10 to 12 films in my life. That's a lot of films, but it's doable.

I don't want to put 12 singles on an album. I want to make a story, a little movie.

In the right context, you can make ugly sounds, different sounds feel right at home.

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