I'm a silly guy.

My music divides people!

Kendrick is a true genius artist.

Thundercat put me on to George Duke.

I get homesick driving to the grocery store.

I'd love to work with Drake. I got Drake beats.

I love 'Pop Team Epic,' which is really trippy.

I played saxophone for a while when I was a kid.

I just like to be dangerous with what I try to do.

I am a big cinema nerd! I've absorbed a lot of films.

I go through phases when I'm super into my anime stuff.

I always feel like the past informs my present musically.

I was a real big fan of Lil Wayne when he first came out.

When I got into music, that was another way to be by myself.

I built computers and stuff when I was a teenager and whatever.

I feel some responsibility to shine light on things that I love.

Childish Gambino - him and I are the same age, and I really like him.

I know what it's like listening to Aphex Twin driving down the beach.

With every album that I do, I try to feature a new instrument or sound.

Dilla could flip a boring record and make you feel like you were flying.

I can't work without a Good L.A. weed. That's the thing you miss the most.

I'm always seeing stuff and imagining scenes in my head when I'm making music.

People don't really care to be around you when you're going through tough times.

My collaborations tend to be pretty organic. It starts off with me being a fan first.

I like when my mind is being stimulated and challenged, and I'm forced to be creative.

I wish I could write music notation. Even if I couldn't play it, I wish I could just write it.

I feel like my music has a reputation for being pretty serious or whatnot, but I like having fun.

I just understand that Im supposed to be one of those people that disrupts the flavor a little bit.

I love Snoop - I grew up with his music - but I never thought for a second that we'd work together.

I go through phases where I'm not into jazz as much, and then I'll get heavy, heavy, heavy into it.

I wouldn't want to get involved with a game that's a stinker - I can smell one of those a mile away.

I first was introduced to really, I guess, underground electronic music when I was in middle school.

'Cosmogramma' is basically the studies that map out the universe and the relations of heaven and hell.

I took to the synthesizer. My cousin had some synthesizers, and I'd always make stuff on those things.

I'm so thankful that I had music to turn to in the dark times and be able to understand myself through it.

I don't sit around listening to beats all day. There's so many producers, and so much of it is derivative.

There are things I've seen and experienced in this world - things they don't talk about in too many books.

I need to help people to create the best work that they can. It's just something a producer should do anyway.

Whenever I am making stuff, I got a thing in the back of my mind: 'Oh, this would be so perfect for' whoever.

When I was in middle school, that's when I first started making beats. I was maybe 14, 16, something like that.

For me, being 10 years old and seeing 'Jurassic Park' for the first time blew my mind. I want music to feel like that.

In high school, I was that guy who was trying to be cool with everybody, but I never really had a core group of friends.

Truth be told, I think jazz is a mind-set. It's not necessarily, like, this guy picked up a horn and did this or whatever.

I don't have a great story, but I love Boards of Canada. I didn't get into it when it was happening; I got into it later on.

All of the Flying Lotus records are exploring similar themes: These questions in my mind about what's next and what's beyond.

Communicating with musicians is really interesting because everyone has their quirks and their strengths and their weaknesses.

The producer role attracts introverts. Making music on your computer is so appealing to someone who just sits in their room all day.

I'm not the kind of person who's always out at the club if I don't have to be. I like chilling. I think that comes across in my music.

I like Philip Glass. I think he's made some really great contributions to his field. I love his style of playing - it's very loop-style.

I had a little Walkman, the worst Walkman ever. It was the yellow one, that underwater Walkman. Like you need to take a Walkman under water.

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