Music is its own language - if you don't speak it, it's hard to say what you're trying to do.

There's nothing better than making music and hearing 3,000 people chant, 'Afrojack! Afrojack!'

I think the thing that L.A. had on Sydney is an awesome music scene, especially for what I do.

I wish I could write music notation. Even if I couldn't play it, I wish I could just write it.

Sponsors and networks will really go all out and simply evaluate people on the basis of talent.

You will always find a few people in any area that would like things done completely their way.

As long as we're in a democracy, I have to give what I think the majority of people will enjoy.

I don't have the same respect for time as most people. I take that extra day to think about it.

Growing up, all of my friends would set their schedules to the showing of kung fu movies on TV.

The way I see EDM right now, it's a healthy industry for sure - minimal work for maximum profit.

With Spotify, I think people are discovering a lot of artists they might not discover otherwise.

Wu-Tang Clan's first album, '36 Chambers,' there wasn't a lot of money given to make that album.

I've always believed food, like music, has the power to change our day and even shape our world.

I feel like my music has a reputation for being pretty serious or whatnot, but I like having fun.

Ellington is a writer and arranger, as well as a musician and leader. He does movie sound tracks.

Grew up in Stapleton House village, where blood flood the waters in the streets like oil spillage

For me, one of the downfalls of electronic music is that it can feel a little soulless or robotic.

If I were to put on Barbra Streisand and Duke Ellington, one might say the combination isn't good.

I didn't discover how music and film could work together until Jim Jarmusch had me do 'Ghost Dog.'

I just understand that Im supposed to be one of those people that disrupts the flavor a little bit.

I go through phases where I'm not into jazz as much, and then I'll get heavy, heavy, heavy into it.

I love Snoop - I grew up with his music - but I never thought for a second that we'd work together.

This is the way to hear music, I think, surrounded by rolling hills and farmlands, under a big sky.

I fear no secret of a person I trust, and he has no need to fear mine. It is part of being friends.

Creamfields is, without doubt, 1 of the highlights of year for me. I really can't wait to come back.

I first was introduced to really, I guess, underground electronic music when I was in middle school.

I wouldn't want to get involved with a game that's a stinker - I can smell one of those a mile away.

I have a special style of frying tofu that even the most carnivorous meat-and-potatoes eaters enjoy.

It's pretty much the songs I write that dictate what vibe it should be and what singers it should be.

When I'm working on something and need to take a little break, I'll go down and play some video games.

I took to the synthesizer. My cousin had some synthesizers, and I'd always make stuff on those things.

'Cosmogramma' is basically the studies that map out the universe and the relations of heaven and hell.

I've never worked with huge pop acts, I mightn't like it, but it's something I've always wanted to try.

I really like working with unique and unknown artists, as they usually bring something fresh to a song.

Most music that comes out of Holland is basically the harder part of dance music - hip-hop, drum'n'bass.

I love watching professionals play more than I love sitting there 20 hours a day trying be a pro myself.

I'm now much more aware of my mental state. I have a lot more control over it and can choose how I feel.

I don't think I will ever do any tours again in the United States. I rather think that that's over with.

You can go to Spain, and Cubans are looked down upon. It's strange how people chop up where you're from.

I feel like I've got a pretty good presence online through Instagram and Facebook. I just keep it simple.

Most of the music I've listened to or grew up listening to - a lot of it at least - is instrumental stuff.

I'm so thankful that I had music to turn to in the dark times and be able to understand myself through it.

I don't sit around listening to beats all day. There's so many producers, and so much of it is derivative.

There are things I've seen and experienced in this world - things they don't talk about in too many books.

I always had this imagination about making colorful movies. I use to walk to school and daydream about it.

I would not have one turntable if my brother didn't buy the turntable. I was the dreamer; he was the doer.

I don't try to be someone I'm not - I've always followed my heart and trance has always been my main sound.

Great editors do not discover nor produce great authors; great authors create and produce great publishers.

When I started emceein', you had 500 maybe 1000 rappers in the whole world. Now there's 1.000.000, nahmean?

I'm me, and the me that's me is me and is going to continue to be me, and it's always reaching and growing.

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