Whenever possible, I operate outside the system.

It's art that's taught me to think and to write.

Notebook. No photographer should be without one!

Photographer's advice: Stand in the right place.

I do believe that painting can change the world.

Tobacco is America's greatest gift to the world!

I've always wanted to be able to paint the dawn.

Shoot for the secrets, develop for the surprises

Every photograph is a fake from start to finish.

If your subjects are eternal... they'll survive.

Creation and creativity are inextricably linked.

Photography is an ambiguous challenge to chance.

I think I came alive when I started photography.

Anybody is influenced by where and how he lives.

I have been searching for time past all my life.

I have gradually confused photography with life.

Beauty is very much in the mind of the beholder.

Only artists without talent try to shock people.

With a camera, one has to love individual cases.

Hollywood is Newark, New Jersey with palm trees.

A fine image is geometry, modulated by the heart

The goal of art was the vital expression of self.

In my work, I explore my own Catholic obsessions.

Painting is the frozen evidence of a performance.

Every child should have a chance to feel special.

I've been used by women all my life, fortunately.

I've always tried to do pictures that don't date.

I'm sure that the camera is part of European art.

A camera teaches you how to see without a camera.

I don't get wrapped up in technique and the like.

I photograph Nature, which includes human beings.

There is no special way a photograph should look.

My only interest in photographing is photography.

I try to take my interests and make them my work.

Once upon a time, I was a climate-change skeptic.

If the Devil's in yer pants make cheese with him.

My biggest television weakness is 'Dragons' Den.'

The best photographs are made by the best people.

We always point the lens both outward and inward.

I wouldn't have lasted two minutes as a designer.

I've never lied. I think I've lived a moral life.

Your belief system saturates the space around you.

The important thing is not the camera but the eye.

A photograph is not an accident - it is a concept.

Photography is 1% talent and 99% moving furniture.

I'm poor white trash from the state of Washington.

My exploits are nothing now to the average person.

Teaching people to draw is teaching people to look

I paint what I like, when I like and where I like.

I shoot fantasy. If you want reality, ride the bus

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