My favourite thing is to go where I've never been.

Surefire things are deadening to the human spirit.

No photographer is as good as the simplest camera.

My life has been quite interesting professionally.

Beware of too much taste as it leads to sterility.

Don't park... Arrival is the death of inspiration.

Surviving, that's all. That's all I have in mind .

One eye looks within, the other eye looks without.

Some of my best work is done when I'm half asleep.

It's important to let your subjects be themselves.

If you love something, the work will be just fine.

I'm quite fond of Switzerland. I love Switzerland.

Failing is not a problem. Not trying is a problem.

Be aware of every square millimeter of your frame.

I try to begin working with no preconceived ideas.

Luck is the attentive photographer's best teacher.

Find the one thing you’re good at and FOCUS on it.

I have never forgotten a picture that I ever made.

The idea of England in decline is very attractive.

There are elements of irony in my work, of course.

When I work, and in my art, I hold hands with God.

I guess I have a certain willingness for audacity.

To be more creative is to get closer to childhood.

I work on stories rather than individual pictures.

I didn’t write the rules. Why would I follow them?

Will we be able to imagine a new culture of water?

The only nature I'm interested in is my own nature.

An artist is nothing without his or her obsessions.

The essence of drawing is the line exploring space.

The craft of photography is the key to good images.

I do have an ego, but I acknowledge the help I get.

The best camera, is the one that you have with you!

No one has ever asked to see my degree certificate.

I did come from a pretty independent-minded family.

I'm not going to stop painting just to take orders.

I think it does, a little, hurt to be photographed.

Great photography is always on the edge of failure.

We all strive to find moments of clarity, of order.

Photography is nothing-it's life that interests me.

Art isn't supposed to change the world, but it can.

I try to photograph my own and society's hypocrisy.

The influence of mystery is the greatest influence.

In black and white you suggest, in color you state.

Marilyn was history's most phenomenal love goddess.

The truth is the best picture, the best propaganda.

To suggest is to create; to describe is to destroy.

To make pictures big is to make them more powerful.

I just hope I can live long enough to see the fame.

I just want to be written about as a normal artist.

I'm surprised and disappointed in American culture.

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