Empathy is the wellspring of creativity.

Vision is an intelligent form of thought

The early firings contained many stones.

Photography has taken me from isolation.

A photograph is a biography of a moment.

I'm not a nice girl. I'm a photographer.

Sometimes I still can't believe my luck.

I did painting before I did photography.

Themes recur again and again in my work.

Physical beauty is such a strange thing.

We see the world through our experience.

Faces are the ledgers of our experience.

Beauty and the devil are the same thing.

I have a vivid, apocalyptic imagination.

The fight for photography became my life.

If it makes you cry, it goes in the show.

You don't take a photograph, you make it.

The truly fashionable are beyond fashion.

Grain is the brush stroke of photography.

I wanted to go to the end of photography.

My first influence obviously was Picasso.

In France they don't think I'm difficult.

Drawing takes time. A line has time in it

If you are not playful you are not alive.

I've realized that I can do performances.

I think all families are creepy in a way.

My drug of choice is historical research.

People are just dumb. They misunderstand.

In the arts there are many right answers.

My mantra is, 'This or something better.'

Be yourself and look outside of yourself.

The West to me is where the landscape is.

I was fascinated by my own prom pictures.

I think the wrong things are kept private

Do we know what we look like? Not really.

Men are separated by so many petty things.

I try to make things that are not elitist.

I don't marry myself to one belief system.

I've hardly taken a photograph since 1967.

I can't afford a whole new set of enemies.

I'm a bit claustrophobic, I know that now.

There would be no bohemia without smoking.

People say photographs don't lie, mine do.

The adornment of the body is a human need.

I see no reason for recording the obvious.

Nature's my muse and it's been my passion.

I generally deal with something happening.

It's always around. You just don't see it.

You need minimum color for maximum effect.

A camera has interesting ideas of its own.

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