Two wives? That exceeds the custom.

Books and marriage go ill together.

Baptists are only funny underwater.

The keyhole is my lens as a writer.

Those not present are always wrong.

Worthy things happen to the worthy.

If you want to do something, do it!

The sea is certainly common to all.

You must spend money to make money.

I'm not a big fan of anniversaries.

Unwanted favours gain no gratitude.

Best to live lightly, unthinkingly.

What men have seen they know. . . .

Even a poor man can receive honors.

To cease to love -- that is defeat.

We shall not cease from exploration

Art is the escape from personality.

I've been born, and once is enough.

Talent imitates, but genius steals.

I don't want realism. I want magic!

I really just like to be at a desk.

The body is the garden of the soul.

There's no art where there's no fee.

Evil events from evil causes spring.

An actor should refine public taste.

He's liked, but he's not well liked.

Love between a man and woman is war.

I do honor the very flea of his dog.

Art hath an enemy call'd ignorance .

Time flies when you’re being stupid.

The smell of rain is rich with life.

When men make gods, there is no God!

... justice is mercy's highest self.

Things happen to people by accident.

I want to be all used up when I die.

All progress means war with society.

Those who understand evil pardon it.

Style is effectiveness of assertion.

How can the unknown merit reverence?

I don't like sympathetic characters.

I'm not interested in entertainment.

Young fellows will be young fellows.

I parle Francais like a Spanish cow.

All experience helps when you write.

Without dance, a man can do nothing.

Birth is nothing where virtue is not

I have the knack of easing scruples.

Criticism is easy, art is difficult.

Never speak ill of an absent friend.

Riches, rightly used, breed delight.

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