There is only one better thing than music - live music.

In relations with other nations, there is neither right nor wrong; there is only strength and weakness.

The only salvation for us is to stop being an incoherent, loose mob and to change into a strongly organized, disciplined army.

The nation becomes the master of its fate not only when it has many good sons, but also when it possesses enough strength to restrain its bad ones.

You go to jail for drinking beer and then walking with your bike. You go to jail for smoking a joint. For abortion. This is a nihilist policy which hurts people.

Wherever we can multiply our forces and our civilizational efforts, absorbing other elements, no law can prohibit us from doing so, as such actions are our duty.

To be a Pole does not mean just to speak Polish or to feel close to other Poles, but to value the Polish nation above all else ... A Pole must accept everything Polish, both good and bad, and must accept every period of the nation's history, both strong and weak.

And I know one thing more - that the Europe of the future cannot exist without commemorating all those, regardless of their nationality, who were killed at that time with complete contempt and hate, who were tortured to death, starved, gassed, incinerated, and hanged.

I saw a photo of the Svoboda leader, Yatseniuk [Arseniy Yatseniuk, one of Batkivschyna leaders] and Klitschko [Vitali Klitschko, UDAR party leader] together demonstrating the unity of opposition. But I can't imagine that people like Klitschko, who position themselves as Europeans, and Yatseniuk, would willingly shake the hand of a person who in public states that Jews are the main threat to European civilization. Sometimes, while looking for and respecting opposition, we can't recognize it.

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