It is my intention to proceed slowly with our trenches.

I have always fought for farmers getting better prices.

The PPP is not just a political party. This is our life.

I am not a clone of Sarah Palin. I have my own thoughts.

Our party may have swung too far right at various times.

It is better we disintegrate in peace and not in pieces.

You have to take a plan that might work and make it work

Images adorn our inner life and carry great power there.

The people are grown very wild and loose in their morals.

Our little force will march on tomorrow or the day after.

I'd want Puerto Rico to become the 51st state of America.

The Irish aren't great singers, but they have great songs.

We have finished the job. What shall we do with the tools?

We have finished the job, what shall we do with the tools?

The last thing the Province needs is a minority government

Building Union among people not cooperation between states

Laws must be clear, precise, and uniform for all citizens.

All that you are, all that I owe to you, justifies my love.

Everything that man can imagine, he is capable of creating.

Being prepared to die is one of the great secrets of living.

You have to be true to what you believe in and do your duty.

Figure out how to do things that have never been done before.

When morals decline and good men do nothing, evil flourishes.

Shaking hands with the strangers of opposite sex is forbidden

The enemies of a people are those who keep them in ignorance.

We're not trying to take back our country. We are our country.

I'm an American first, and I think that's how most people are.

Well, I think the Republican Party is the more populist party.

Only in a popular war against France... do I see a misfortune.

In revolutions authority remains with the greatest scoundrels.

There will never be another Black Messiah unless we create him

All nations want peace, but they want a peace that suits them.

A military without political training is a potential criminal.

American Lives Are Not More Important Than Other People's Lives

We shall tax and tax, and spend and spend, and elect and elect.

The people of the United States are not morally fit to survive.

The Jews who have arrived would nearly all like to remain here.

We need to restore the confidence in the country, first of all.

The Revolution Cannot Triumph Without the Emancipation of Women

Where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state?

The fruits of one’s sweat and mental labour are always rewarding

There is no future for the people of Europe other than in union.

The essence of war is violence. Moderation in war is imbecility.

I am sustained by the tranquility of an upright and loyal heart.

I like Hilary Clinton. I think she's - she's a fantastic leader.

Images have a unique power to impart that which is beyond words.

I want for myself what I want for other women, absolute equality.

There are few have Dana's fortune, to have God and gold together.

The cure for crime is not the electric chair, but the high chair.

There’s only truth and not truth. You’re either very good or evil.

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