When I was a child, the African forest sounded like a dream to me, ...

When I was a child, the African forest sounded like a dream to me, because it was full of animals and it was wild.

If you really want something, and really work hard, and take ...

If you really want something, and really work hard, and take advantage of opportunities, and never give up, you will find a way.. Follow your Dreams.

I want to change awareness.

My favorite animals are dogs.

Children can change the world.

Science is not inherently good.

Chimpanzees can be quite political.

I am obstinate and I will not give in.

Lasting change is a series of compromises.

Humans have a lot of pro-social tendencies.

The greatest danger to our future is apathy.

Some humans are mathematicians-others aren't.

Human morality is unthinkable without empathy.

The awful thing is we don't respect each other.

If I were God, I'd work on the reach of empathy.

I had a wonderful teacher about animal behavior.

Having respect for animals makes us better humans.

I wanted to talk to the animals like Dr. Dolittle.

Animals have personalities and minds and emotions.

Of course animals have a personality and emotions.

Male bonobos really don't fit the human male ideal.

If you educate women, family size tends to go down.

Exclusive homosexuality is not very common in nature.

A chimp would never plan to pull another's nails out.

Future benefits rarely figure in the minds of animals.

Dogmatists have one advantage: they are poor listeners.

Chimps are far too much human to be my favorite animal.

Being evil is something that only humans are capable of.

We can learn to suppress our feelings for other reasons.

It's not a pretty picture, but there are reasons for hope.

It may sound trite, but young people really are the future.

To reconnect with nature is key if we want to save the planet.

If harsher laws are put in place, less will dare to break them.

If we kill off the wild, then we are killing a part of our souls.

I don't even think of chimps as animals. I think of them as beings.

It's up to us to save the world for tomorrow: it's up to you and me.

You better not mess with chimps. They are much stronger than humans.

The more self-aware an animal is, the more empathetic it tends to be.

I never wanted to be a scientist per se. I wanted to be a naturalist.

Very ancient parts of the brain are involved in moral decision making.

There are beautiful examples of art done by chimpanzees in human care.

There are many reasons for kindness, and religion is just one of them.

Every individual matters and has a role to play in this life on Earth.

We are territorial, power-hungry and even more brutal than chimpanzees.

Robin Hood had it right.Humanity's deepest wish is to spread the wealth.

I don't care two hoots about civilization. I want to wander in the wild.

You have to realise that touching is a real violation of personal space.

Understanding the need for religion is a far superior goal to bashing it.

My mission is to create a world where we can live in harmony with nature.

The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.

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