We must create wealth and we must cut our deficits.

You cannot seek for the ideal outside the realm of reality.

Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice.

The cause of Freedom and the cause of Peace are bound together.

A free man is he who does not fear to go to the end of his thought.

The free man is he who does not fear to go to the end of his thought.

Secularism must be applied everywhere, because that is how everyone will be able to live in peace with each other.

Let us not sneer at the values of the World's conscience, whose indignation has already forced Hitler's fascism to retrreat.

When a woman is twenty, a child deforms her; when she is thirty, he preserves her; and when forty, he makes her young again.

We need French chaplains and imams, French-speaking, who learn French, who love France. And who adhere to its values. And also French financing.

Journalists were killed because they defended freedom. Policemen were killed because they were protecting you. Jews were killed because they were Jewish.

France, like other countries, is facing a terror threat that is unprecedented in its nature and magnitude, ... Terrorists are targeting France to divide us.

Life does not give itself to one who tries to keep all its advantages at once. I have often thought morality may perhaps consist solely in the courage of making a choice.

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